Chapter 22- Can't Sleep Love

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Edd's POV

I couldn't sleep!

After tonight!

I would be crazy if I could!

It has been about two hours since Kevin has walked me back to my house, like the gentleman that he is.

Awe! Kevin!

My heart pounds!

I turn on the television to futurama. I have to admit it is an amazing show, go away haters!

Zoidberg is my favorite character.

He is just so funny.

I smile, I love this episode; I think I have watched it five million times.
No joke!

I hear something at the door.

Who would be up at this hour?

...Other than me..

I grab my bat.

I don't plan on using it, but just incase.

I swing open the door.


He is all bloody and he doesn't seem to be awake.

I grab under is arms, for a muscular guy he isn't so heavy, I pull him into my living rooms and lay him on the couch, elevating his head.

I run to my bathroom and get the medical kit.

I see he has his phone and I dial 911 tucking the phone between my shoulder and head, while I do the basic clean up on him.

They get there sooner than the lady on the phone estimated.

They put him on a stretcher.

"I have to go with," I said walking with them.

"Are you family?" One paramedics asked me.

"No, but he is really important to me."

"than sorry but you-" he started to say.

"Please! Let me come! He is the love of my life!" I yell. (I am not exaggerating..)

They decide to let me come and I hold Kevin's hand the whole way there.

"Kevin, please Kevin. Be okay. You have to be okay. I love you!" I shout in my head wishing he could hear me, but I know he can't.

Kevin. Please.

When we get to the hospital they won't let me come with since he need emergency surgery, I have to wait in the waiting room.

"Are you Eddward?" A man asks me.

I look up, he is in a police uniform.

I nod.

"Would you mind answering some of my questions?"

I nod again.

"What happened to your friend?" He asked.

"I am not sure. We had been studying and he dropped me off at home at 2 and two hours later- I heard something at my door.. It was him," I explained.

"Do you have an idea of what could have happened?"

"Um- Earlier this week, Kevin came to school with a black eye. When I asked what happened, he didn't respond till I hugged him- he told me it was his Dad."

The officer nods, "Do you know how long his Father has been abusive?"


"Okay. Thank you."

He left.

I sat there for four more hours.

Then a nurse came out at 9 and told me I could go into his room, but he isn't awake yet.

I can't lie, I cried.

I held his hand and cried.

I kissed his hand and cried.

"Kevin! Oh my gosh!" I cried.

I didn't let go of his hand.

I won't.

I feel something brush my hair with their hand.

I sit up opening my eyes.

Kevin was giving me a weak smile.

I start crying again and hug him, "Kevin!"

He whimpers, "Edd, that hurts."

I jump away, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to."

"I know Babe," he nods.

I sigh.

He scoots over in bed and pats the spot next to him, "come lay with me."

I crawl into the hospital bed next to him.

"Edd?" He reaches for my hand and I intertwine our hands.

I look up at him, "yes?"

"I love you," he says kissing my head

"I love you too," I said tearing up.

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