Chapter 11- What Do I Owe the Pleasure to?

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Edd's POV

I hear a knock at the door as I finished washing the dishes I had used at dinner. It is probably Ed and Eddy coming to check on me, since I after all missed school- not like my usual character.

I hobble to the door and pull it open.
It was Kevin.
I didn't expect this..
"Kevin," I manage to say stuttering a little.
Gosh, keep it together Edd!

"Dork," He says after he stopped bitting his lip.

"Wha-what do I owe the pleasure to?"

"Can I come in?"

I take a moment to take that in, even more surprised, "Uh-yeah?"


I nod and step back, "Just take your shoes off at the door, please."

He nods taking his shoes off and stepping inside.

The door is shut and I am in the same house as Kevin...

I hadn't noticed that I was just staring at him until he cleared his throat. I looked down blushing with embarrassment, "sorry..Uhh... Please sit down, I will make some tea."

I run to the kitchen just looking for an excuse to leave. I cannot maintain my cool, Can I? I start the kettle. This is what I drink when I get nervous, it always reminded me of.. I don't want to think about that right now.

A few minutes later, I return to the living room with two cups of tea in hand. Kevin had sat on the couch and was looking around.

I hand him his cup and sit on the opposite couch.

"So Kevin why did you stop by?" I ask more shaky than I would have liked to sound.

He doesn't seem to notice and responds with,"Nazz wanted me to stop by and thank you for helping her- with her concussion and all."

Oh.. Is it bad I am let down by this?
I'm selfish for thinking he would come by because he wanted to hang out.. Jocks don't "hang out" with dorks like me.

"And," he says snapping me back into reality.  "I wanted to check on you."

My heart pounds-Faster and faster.
"Check on me?"

He only nods now.

I look at my feet.
Last night was real?
I went through today hoping it hadn't really been him who had saw. He didn't see what happened right?

"Double D?"

I pinch my hand as hard as I could to wake up from this dream- I mean nightmare, but I am really awake.

"Double D," he repeats himself sounding more like concerned this time.

I look up.

"I am not going to tell. As long as-"

I look anyway but at him now.. The wall..
As long as?! What was he going to say?! My heart pounds again- harder faster and even faster. My chest hurts, even though it has only been a few milliseconds.

"As long as you stop. I am not going to say try to stop, because even though it is hard.. I am not going to say it is okay to cut, because it definitely isn't okay. You are hurting yourself.."

I look up, into his eyes this time, I can feel tears burning my eyes. Not again today.

Before I know what is happening I am crying and the couch shifts with more weight on it and Kevin is patting my shoulder.

This isn't helping and I can tell he is uncomfortable. I wipe my tears on my sweater, God I am a mess.

We sit in silence for a while.

I'm sorry Kevin, that you came here tonight... This isn't a good night. This isn't a good day. This isn't a good week.. Month..year.. This isn't a good life.. My life.

"I am sorry," he says and stops.


"I said I was sorry."


He takes a deep breath in and let's it out,"For everything that I have ever done to you, for anything you have gone through, for anything you will go through, and for me coming over tonight."

I was going to say "you have nothing to be sorry for if anyone has anything to be sorry for it is me.", but I didn't... Instead I cried more.

This time around, Kevin puts his arm around me and hugs me, "breathe."

I cry some more nodding, eventually I stop crying, and my head hurts like someone threw a ton of bricks at it.

Kevin hands me my tea after I lay back on the couch covering my face.

It returns to silence for a while.

"I'm sorry if me coming over upset you, I didn't intend to.. I just wanted to know you are okay..." Kevin says standing up. "Get better soon." With that he was gone.

Not long after the door shut it burst back open.

"Why the hell was Shovel-chin over here?!" Eddy yells at me.

My head hurts to much to answer.

Which is okay, because Eddy was to busy horrifically mean phrases about Kevin.

"Ohh," Ed whispers quietly like he discovered something new- but scary- like it concerned him..
I think Ed realized I had been crying.
"What happened Double D?" Ed asked quietly sitting on the floor in front of me.

I think Eddy finally got out of his head, because before I could answer Ed, Eddy had pushed Ed out of his way so he could look at me.

"What's wrong Double D? What did that Boxhead do to you?! Me and Ed will go beat him up!" He goes from concerned for me to aggressive and protective.

"I-I'm fine," I whisper. "My head just hurts. Would you mind getting me some medicine Ed?" I didn't have enough energy to correct Eddy that it is "Ed and I" rather than "Me and Ed".

Ed nods and runs off to my bathroom's medicine cabinet.

"Seriously Double D, what happened?!" Eddy yelled his temper not coming down.

"Eddy, please calm down. I am alright. Kevin didn't do anything. Will you please drop this?"

Eddy was stunned, because for the next few moments he didn't say anything.

"Okay," he said quietly sitting on the other side of the room on the couch.

Ed came back and gave me the medicine I had asked for.

"Thank you."
I took the pill with my cup of tea to wash it down.

A/N: Would it bother you guys if I always have an Author's Note at the end of chapters?
Would you read it or skip it like I tend to do when reading stories?
I dunno.. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Have a good day! :3

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