Chapter 19- Tutoring

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Kevin's POV

It has been two days since my talk with Edd in the library.

He offered to tutor me, I accepted. I am supposed to go over to his house soon.

For the past few days I haven't been acting out, I have been getting to class on time, and I have been participating in class as well.

Edd is such a good role model.

He helps me study.

I make sure the jerks stay away from him.

I look at the clock.

I'm not ready to go over!

I smell like Cheetos!

I am putting on weight because these damn yummy Cheetos!

Damn Cheetos!

I run upstairs and quickly shower, washing good.

I can't smell like Cheetos when I go over to Double D's!

He will think I am smelly!

I rush to put on my clothes and spray on my cologne.

I run down stairs, put my shoes on, and grab my bag.

I can't be late!

Edd pulls the door open as soon as I raise my fist to knock.

"Hey Kevin," he says smiling.

"Hi," I say out of breath.

"Come in."

I take off my shoes and go inside, "sorry I am a little late, I had to shower."

"You aren't late, you are right on time," Double D says smiling going to the kitchen.

I sit down and open my backpack.

I frown when I see how much studying I have to do.
I feel bad for dragging Edd into this.

He gets his work done early and I drag him into helping me get mine done right before the tests.

The coach slumps down a little and Edd is smiling at me, "I can tell something is on your mind. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I say. "So um- where should we start?..."

Edd looks at the pile of books, but doesn't looked phased. "Perhaps we should start with the one you hate the most, so we can get it out of the way."

"That's all of them," I mutter.

"What was that?" Edd asks.

"Oh nothing," I say heat rising to my cheeks. I didn't think he actually would be able to hear that comment.

"Okay," he says.

"Um- Math, I don't really like it."

Edd nods and grabs it off his coffee table sitting back next to me.

"So what don't you get?" He asks gently.

"All of it," I say.

"Well I guess we have a lot to get through," he says smiling at the book.

"Yeah. I guess so.."

Edd explains things to me, taking it slow so that I understand, and he even has me practice a couple times; when I would mess up he would have me notice my mistakes and if I didn't understand he would explain.

We do this for a couple more classes.

Then I grab the last book.


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