Chapter 5- Player 12

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Edd's POV

We were on a nice beach. We had spent all night here. It started with a picnic. Neither one of us wanted to leave after, so we started a fire. As we watched the flames dim we cuddled and watched the sunrise. He gently lifted my head and-

Beep. Beep. Beep.
I rolled over in bed. Did I really have a dream about him? I didn't even know who he is! Being gay is stressful.

I head tapping on my window then a shatter, "SOCKHEAD! Get your ass up!" My eyes widen and I rush to where my intact window used to be and look out.

"What is the meaning of throwing rocks at my window Eddy?" I ask.

"You weren't answering the door. I didn't think I would break your window," he replies rolling his eyes.

I sigh, this morning isn't going so well.

"Can I have buttered toast?" Ed yells.

"Um.. Yeah.. One sec," I say to tired to argue ,or correct Ed's grammar. I then slip on my slippers and run down stairs to let them in. As they make themselves at home I run upstairs and sweep up the glass and shut my blinds so nobody can tell it is broke.

"Game today!" Ed shouts as he pops in toast into the toaster.

I nod, I had forgotten that the first football game was today. Meaning it would be the first time I performed as a cheerleader... That still sounds weird to say...

"Are you nervous for the game, Ed?" I ask

"No. I am good. You?" He replies laughing with a mouthful of toast.

"Manners,Ed, and I am."

"Why it isn't like you could get hurt," Eddy comments.

-time skip-

As I was walking towards the field to cheer at the first game, I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see number 12 himself. I blush a little. God I hope he didn't notice.

"Hi," he says.

"H-hi.. Good luck tonight," I say.
My face is the temperature as the sun. It is so red my face probably looks like a tomato.

"Thanks and.. Uh.. You too," he replies.

I couldn't manage to make any works come out my mouth so I just nod as we part ways.

"Alright girls... And Double D, tonight is our first cheerleading performance. Let's show our fellow cobblers to have spirit!" Sarah pep talks us.

Eddy's POV

It was toward the very end of the game. We only had ten seconds left and were tied with those losers from the rich side of town. I'm sure they tried to bribe the referees, they did that last year, but so far I didn't seem like the refs were being unfair.

I am not surprised that Ed has made a huge contribution to the points along with the quarterback.

I haven't payed attention to who is what number other than Ed being number 13.

Back to what is happening in the game, The rich-snobs have the ball and attempt to pass it... But "INTERSEPTION" I yell as I see it happen. 12 catches the ball and runs it. Will he make it? We only have 2 seconds left.

Edd's POV

The girls and I have been cheering on the cobblers all night. With only five seconds on the clock we intercepted the ball and 12- yes. The boy  that I might or might have a crush on [A/N: just a reminder- Double D has no clue who the cluck this guy is only that he is nice] I blush at the thought of him. I am ripped out of my though when I hear a loud buzzer go off and cheering. Did he make it?

I hear chanting. I can't make it out. What are they saying?! More people join in and it makes it harder to understand.

The football players from our school pick up a player and carry him, chanting.

"Kevin! Kevin! Kevin!"

Can number 12 be K-Kevin?

I watch to see if my ears deceive me.

He reaches for his helmet.

My heart is beating hard in my chest.

His muscular arms pull up on the helmet and reveals his red/orange hair.

"Kevin?" I quietly croak.

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