Chapter 12- Pretend to be What They Want you to be

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Edd's POV

Ed and Eddy ended up staying the night at my house. Which wasn't much of a deal after I took some medicine my headache went down, we talked about why I missed school (I didn't actually tell them about the night of the football game, no sane person would! I told them that I have had a massive headache all day.), they talked about 'the hotties' at school, watched educational documentaries (by my suggestion), and we played some Xbox games (mostly Ed and Eddy, I studied about the things that I had missed in all my classes and some extra).

Before morning we had all fallen fast asleep. Eddy on the couch, Ed on the floor, and I had fallen asleep on the love seat and when I woke up in the middle of the night I walked up to my bed.

The day at home hadn't effected my schedule, I still rose at the time my body was used to. After I showered and put on my black jeans, white button down, orange vest, and tie, I head down stairs to start breakfast for my two friends.

I made sure to try to stay quiet as I cooked, because Eddy WASN'T a morning person- It was said back before I knew Eddy, he was sleeping and someone woke him up; the person was never seen again.

When I was finished making toast and a few other things I wouldn't eat, but kept around so when Ed and Eddy were over they would have something they enjoyed.

I looked at the time 8 AM. After a little bit of panic that we all would be late, I realized it was Saturday.

"Mmm! Something smells yummy!" Ed says coming into the kitchen.

"Thanks. I made some breakfast for you guys," I say as I dish it out.

"Thank you Double D, you are the best."

I smile and hand him a plate, "how do you think we should wake Eddy without getting to close in case he-"

"Hmm.. We could... Tickle him?"

I think about for a little bit, nod, and motion for him to follow me.

"Where we going Double D?"

"To the guest room (don't ask why they didn't sleep in there I just thought about that..) one of the pillows has feathers in it. We can attach it to a kitchen tool and use it to tickle Eddy's nose."

"Oh! Good idea!"

Once we got everything together I hand it to Ed who has been begging me to let him tickle Eddy.

I just hope that this doesn't end bad.

Eddy's POV

I was so happy. I was on a date with no other than her! I had spent years having a secret crush on her. We were holding hands over the table at this fancy ass place and right now all the money I am spending on food that is on its way to our table will be worth it by the end of this date. I think she is going to kiss me! I can feel myself smiling- wait that feeling... It isn't me smiling.. My nose.. It feels weird.. I-i-i am going to sneeze!

I jolt up from my sleep, my nose feeling itchy, and Lumpy near me with some feathers tied to a spatula.
I'm not going to even ask- no I'm going to ask because it ruined my date with her!
"What the hell?!!!"

The Last Big Scam [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora