Chapter Twenty

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Taylor's POV
I was turning into my mom. Drinking away my problems day after day, ignoring the outside world because nobody gave a fuck about me anymore.
I walked all the way to the swimming pool one day and just sat in the empty space for awhile, holding an empty bottle of vodka and listening to the sound of Glad You Came by The Wanted in November's voice over and over again, sometimes singing along with it. I walked into the locker rooms where I found him passed out.
The same day I rode the bus to the hospital where I got to see him after he passed out and I rode the bus to the hill where we spent that morning screaming out into the world. I laid in the field where we first kissed, I rode the bus to the park and walked up the hill where we spent the morning waiting for the sunrise and I walked to the school and went around the building and walked into the school room trailer where we first met and sat on the sidewalk where we had our first singing session. I walked to a different park and went down the slide we spent our first month together on and sat on the merry-go-round where he started drawing his picture of me. I walked to his house and sat outside on the sidewalk where he reminded me that it was our first month together and I snuck into his room where I threw up on him all night and I walked to the pizzeria where he made me eat for the first time in three weeks. I rode the bus back to my house and laid in the backyard where we had a snowball fight. I walked inside and into the kitchen where we made hot chocolate and into my room where my mom yelled at me and then I walked to my front door where a police man told me November wanted to see me and then I was on my roof where November and I last saw each other and then I was back in my room sobbing where I had last heard November's voice. And I realized that November meant a lot more to me than I had ever thought.
A/N oml I was crying whilst writing this I can't even DX helps pls I'm ripperoni pepperoni rn. Anywhore another chapter will be out later tonight that's right double updating dis Bish because I is nice and you guys deserve it. So mhmms. Btw shutout to The-Joker- because I loves her for eternally, infinitely, and forever because cookies and bananas ;). I hope you guys liked ❤ stay tuned for the next chapter later tonight. Love you guys


-Chan <3 :)

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