Chapter Ten

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"You used to call me on my cellphone, late night when you need my love,"
-Drake,"Hotline Bling"

"So are you saying penguins are better than pandas, November?"
"I'm saying that I like penguins better but pandas are nice, too."
"Pandas are the best."
So it's three in the morning and I'm on the phone with November whilst he has a buzz and we are saying random shit (okay I might be a little tipsy, too.)
"I love your insomnia....kind of," I said.
"How so?" He asked and I heard the wine glass connect to his lips and Nova take a big gulp of it.
"Because I have someone to talk to at three in the morning when I can't sleep and yeezus, take a big enough drink there?"
"But you don't have insomnia, Tay," He replied.
"No I do not but my thoughts keep me awake at night,"
"Well that's peculiar," Nova said.
"You totally said 'peculiar' wrong."
"There's not a wrong way to say that weird word," November said.
"Well you just did."
"Right," He said sarcastically.
"So how's my portrait going?"
"Oh you look fucking ugly in it Taylor,"
I fake cried and then we both laughed.
"We better try to go to sleep," November said.
"But I don't wanna got to sleep," I said.
"Do you want to not get any sleep at all?"
"Yeah, okay goodnight."
"Goodnight. I love you, Taylor Hawkins." November said sleepily.
I fell asleep that night thinking about what November had said but then dreamed of chocolate bars with faces and legs dancing and forgot about November.
A/N Okay so this is a short chapter but I enjoyed writing it nonetheless and how do you guys like the every day updates so far? Dedicated to @purfect because this reminded me of us last night haha

Anorexia (#FreeYourBody)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora