Chapter Nine

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After Nova finished my picture we drank not vodka, but wine from his parent's secret stash of alcohol (his parent's aren't home.)
November and I were in the kitchen and I was sitting on a bar stool. Nova himself was stood behind the bar, slightly tipsy and trying to make what looked like noodles for us but wasn't going too well.
"Fuckin......nailin' it," He said, tripping over his own foot and accidentally dumping the noodles down the garbage disposal, a very bad decision.
"Oopsy," He said, looking at me with a drunken smile (but still not drunk) and laughing.
"Who wants to cut their hand off?" He asked.
"You just pretty much broke your garbage disposal," I said, laughing and then continued,"Your parents are going to fucking kill you,"
"Mhmm," He said, looking at me with that smile again and tried to hold his laughs in but failed horribly and burst out.
Instead, I got up and let November sit down and then made us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (and getting jelly and peanut all over the white walls of the no longer spotless kitchen!) because I tripped over November's foot and the sandwiches (along with the plates, may I add) flew literally everywhere. So now, we're pretty much fucked.
November and I continued to drink our wine when we heard a car pulling up the hill.
I gave him a look and he gave me a look and instantly, we both ran down the stairs (and tripping) into his room and I fell on the floor as he jumped on his bed. We faked that we were sleeping and only hoped for the best.
Multiple times did Nova laugh until we heard his parent's footsteps coming down the stairs so we kept our act.
November's parents walked into the room and his Mom said,"Okay not only did the boy make a mess in the kitchen, He has a girl in his room, and there's two wine bottles on the counter that are completely empty."
"At least he made a friend, honey," His dad said.
"But he emptied two wine bottles! Of ours!"
"We both know he steals vodka all the time, at least he tried something different, Elizabeth."
I could hear November trying to hold in his laughs quietly and then I had to resist the urge to laugh as well.
"They need to clean up their mess," Elizabeth said.
"He and his friend are sleeping, Dear. You know how bad his insomnia is. We can't wake him up."
This was a surprise to me because I always thought that Nova fell asleep very easily and was a deep sleeper. I'll have to ask him about this....
(Finally) his parents left after a long conversation and after they got up the stairs, November jumped up and burst into laughter.
"You have insomnia?"

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