Chapter Thirteen

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Taylor's POV
The November nights got colder than usual and as Thanksgiving was around the corner Nova and I didn't do much outside like we used to and instead hung out in the trailer a lot more on school days.
November brought the vodka and his ukulele every day and the ritual never really broke until one day, three days before Thanksgiving, November never came to the trailer let alone came to school at all.
The day was cold and as I'm waiting for November to show up, I realize that it's the last class of the day and November hasn't showed up at all today.
Maybe he's sick. That could happen to November, right? Maybe he didn't get any sleep because of his insomnia.
So I got up from the desk in the trailer and walked out, closing the door behind me and walking towards November's house.
Eventually, I arrive at the nice red painted house with a white door and knock on the door.
Nova's mom opens the door and her big smile slowly fades as she realizes that I'm here for November.
"Is November here?"
Elizabeth ignores my question and motions for me to come inside.
I follow her motion and sit down on the nice white couch next to her.
Elizabeth takes one of my hands and puts her hand on top of it, giving me a sorrowful look and sighing.
"We don't know where November is. He left last night without telling us and the only note he left was a picture of that old swimming pool that closed down years ago. We-,"
I cut her off by standing up and walking out the door, mumbling a 'thanks' and running as fast as I could possibly handle to the old swimming pool.
Once I arrived I was panting and I wanted to collapse but I walked into the swimming pool, ignoring the locker rooms and running into where the swimming pools were.
I couldn't see November anywhere so I searched the place and no matter how many times I walked back in fourth in the big swimming pool, I never noticed anything different until I noticed something move in the corner of my eye and I turned around, seeing a small sticky note with the words written 'I'm broken' on it. Next to the sticky note was a small drop of blood.
I ran into the men's locker room and when I saw the body laying on the floor uncautious my knees went weak and I fell to the floor, lying next to November and sobbing into his chest.
"What did I do wrong? Was I not good enough?"
"I'm sorry."

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