Chapter Two

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I walked into school and threw all my stuff that I didn't need in my locker then walked to homeroom.
The class started but ended quickly and went by fast.
English was next, and luckily I survived that too. It felt like forever before the class actually ended.
My next class was Psychology, and I hate psychology and am not up for it right now.
So instead, I walk outside and into the cold air.
I walked around to the back of the school where and old trailer stood, which used to be an old classroom since there was not enough in the school at the time. But now it's no longer used and just sits here because that teacher got fired.
I walked into the trailer and slide into one of the desks, resting my head on my arms and falling asleep.
I woke up to the trailer door opening and a boy with honey colored hair and brown highlights walked in. His hair was spiked up and his eyes stood out, being a bright lime green like fake grass. And that's what they seemed like. Fake and unreal.
"This is my place," He said and I sat up, shrugging.
"From what I know, you were the one who walked in here," I said and he walked up to me, giving me a glare before giving up and sitting in the desk next to me.
"What period is it?" I asked.
"Lunch," He said.
"What's your name anyways?"
"Will you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep,"
"And it's Nova, my name." He said.
"I like it," I said.
"Short for November," He said,"But call me Nova,"
"Got it November,"
"Fuck you," He grumbled and I let out a quiet chuckle.
"I'm going to sit outside and it's freezing so I don't think you'll have a chance of falling asleep," I stated and opened the trailer door, walking outside and sitting on the cold and frozen sidewalk.
Eventually he walked out and sat down next to me.
"You know, I never did get your name," He mumbled.
"It's Taylor,"
"Well hi Taylor,"
November pulled a bottle of vodka out of his backpack and chugged it, cocking his head back as he did so.
"How the hell did you get that inside school?" I asked, confused.
"The same way they smuggle in cigarettes," He said,"It's all about skill."
November handed me the bottle and I chugged from it as well, a burning sensation going down my throat. But it was comforting in a way.
"Taylor," He mumbled more to himself than to me, looking down at the ground with the bottle of vodka in his hand, as if he was in deep thought about my simple name.

Simple just like me.

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