Chapter Eight

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Later that week, November and I sat on the ground in my backyard, making snow angels and having a snowball fight.
"," Nova said as I chucked a snowball at his face.
He fired back, hitting my foot and I laughed incredulously, hiding behind my mini snowball fort I had made and forming another snowball.
This time I rose up and hit his chest, Nova falling to the ground and pretending to be dead. I laughed and fell on the ground next to him, enjoying our snow day.
"Race you to the door," November said and I instantly shot up, trailing about an inch behind him. I nudged him with my elbow and he looked over, slowing down.
Taking that as my chance to win, I sped up and tumbled down the small hill and ran into the door.
"I won!" I said, pulling my face from the wooden door and giving November a thumbs up.
Seconds later he, too, ran into the door and I fell on the ground laughing.
Eventually he realized what happened and helped me up. We went inside and made hot chocolate, going into my room and doing random shit.

But then she ruined it.

Mom barged in and started yelling random shit, grabbing November's collar once and throwing stuff (of mine) around the room.
"Mom, get the fuck out!" I yelled, pushing her out of my room and taking November back.
"I fucking hate her," I groaned, running my hand through my hair and looking at November.
"Oh fuck, November I'm sorry." I rambled,"Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Nova does anything hurt? If she fucking hurt you I'll kill her," I said and threw my hands in the air.
"You're cute when you worry," He said,"And you just called me Nova. You never call me Nova, Taylor," He said with a smile and I blushed, hugging him.
"Thank god you're okay."
That night we escaped through my window to avoid the monster and left to November's house.
We walked inside and went downstairs to his room.
"I have an art project I have to finish, you can do whatever you want whilst I work on it," November said and I replied,"I wanna see it! I wanna see it! I wanna see it!"
Nova shrugged and pulled a folder out of his backpack labeled 'ArT' (that's how it was written) and opened it, taking a tan-ish paper out of it and showing it to me.
The picture was of me. The fucking drawing on the paper was of me.
November's cheeks turned a light shade of pink (I'm guessing because the drawing was of me) and then also pulled out a photo of me.
The photo was when we were at the park a few days ago. When we were spinning on the merry-go-round, November must've gotten a picture of me while I wasn't looking.
In the picture was me staring at the ground with a smile on my face and the single dimple on the right side of my mouth. My hair hung loosely and my purple eyes (a not very common condition called Alexandria's Genesis) shined. A ray of sunlight shone on my legs (and partially my waist) and my hands were holding onto the end of the merry-go-round.
And then it occurred to me.
November took this picture of me about four days ago.
So he already drew almost all of it (A/N I'm picturing about 3/4 of the whole thing).
"You're a fucking artist, November."

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