Chapter Eleven

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"I have a place to show you," November said one day in the trailer.
"Well then let's go," I said, getting up and pulling him up with me.
We walked out of the trailer and around the building to the parking lot, getting into his car and driving.
After about a four minute drive down the road, Nova parked in front of the old swim center that got closed down after a group of three students drowned themselves (on purpose) back in 2002.
"Why are we here, exactly?" I asked, and Nova shrugged and got out of the car. I groaned and got out too, running after him.
November and I walked inside and I saw the main lobby then looked to the left and saw behind the glass the kitty pool, but then looked in front of that and saw the large, drained out pools, long and wide with a diving board at the end.
Nova led me to the locker rooms and I sighed saying,"Dude we aren't even swimming."
"But we still need to put our stuff away."
"We don't have any stuff though," I said and November just laughed.
"Oh well."
We walked through the men's locker room (I personally didn't mind the pool is closed down, like I said) and into the big pool room.
November took off his shoes and socks so I did the same, walking into the big pool after him.
"It's all empty....and tall," I said.
"But not scary. Just cool. It's like we are seeing it from the water's point of view in a way," Nova replied.
I sat down and Nova walked out, going over to the diving board and climbing up the ladder to get on it. He started bouncing and I died inside.
"Don't. You. Dare. Do you want to crack your head open sir?" I asked.
"No, you see, I'm not going to jump. I never was. But wouldn't it be cool if this is how you died? If you died because you jumped off a diving board into an empty swimming pool?"
I just laughed and took November's bag that was sitting right next to me and opened it, taking out the song notebook and pencil. On the next blank page, I wrote what he had said. 'But wouldn't it be cool if this is how you died? If you died because you jumped off a diving board into an empty swimming pool?'
"Yeah, it would be pretty cool." I said and November climbed down from the diving board and then walked over to where I was sitting in the pool and got in, sitting down next to me.
"It's weird in here. I got them creepy vibes," I said and November laid down, looking up at the tiled ceiling.
"You know, there's a pool outside." He said.
"We are not going outside in the middle of November, November," I said and then continued,"You know your name is really inconvenient,"
"Indeed it is."
"We all want to be remembered. We all want to be known for doing something or being something or just being a stereotype. We want to make a mark, make sure people don't forget us, make sure we effected people enough or did something that can't be un-done. Like when those boys drowned themselves. They didn't do it just because they hated life, they did it because they hated life and wanted to leave so they would be remembered. Making a mark would be the last thing you did and the thing you were known for after you took your life. We all do shit because we want to be remembered. Sam didn't want to be remembered. She was just that special and different from all the stereotypes that people remembered her just for being her. And that's why I loved her. Because she wasn't afraid to be herself or break the rules or be quiet. Because she was all those things at once. She was unique." November ranted and I smiled.

"He was the same."

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