Chapter Five

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November and I didn't want a relationship, we knew that much. But he likes me. And I'm okay with that.
I have always been stubborn when it came to relationships, which I (sadly) get from my dad.
November knocked on my door and I opened it, welcoming him in.
He sighed and pushed his bangs out of his face. Nova took his hoodie off and hung it on the coat rack then followed me to my bedroom.
"What are we up to today?" I asked and November looked up at me with a mysterious look.
"That," he said,"Is for me to know and for you to find out."
"But I want to know!" I said and he shook his head with a smile.
"Too bad,"
I crossed my arms and gave up, sitting down on my bed.
"I'm gonna send my English teacher after you. He won't be afraid to hurt you," I huffed and he just chuckled.
"Oh-I'm so scared!" He said and I just gave him the look.
He pulled me up and we left my house, driving to I don't even know where.
November pulled up to the local arcade/pizza place and looked at me with a thoughtful look.
"Go on a date with me?"
"Well I don't really have a choice but it'd be lovely," I said and we got out of the car, walking in and the waiter person took us to our booth.
"Is there anything I can get you to drink?"
"I'll have a water," I said.
"Umm..Coke," November said and the waiter nodded, handing us the menu and walking away to behind the counter.
"What do you want?" He asked and I looked at him with a glare as if to say 'Did you really just ask that?'.
"Oh, you're going to eat Taylor," He said.
"No I'm not," I said.
"Yes you are,"
"No I'm not,"
"Yes you are,"
"No I'm not,"
"Yes you are," He said finally and I threw my hands up in the air then looked at him with a devilish look and said,"You're spending the night then and you have to stay with me while I puke it all up," I said and he shrugged.
"As long as you eat I'm fine," He replied and I groaned.
"We'll have one medium sized cheese pizza please," He said to the waiter once she came back with our drinks and then she nodded and turned around, heading back to the kitchen with our order.

I threw up all over November later that night and he regretted feeding me pizza for the rest of the morning (we stayed up late and the puke came late).

"Okay I am never taking you to eat pizza again," He said and I laughed.

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