Elena ingnored him and glared at me. "You're pathetic."

"Actually, you are." I snapped. "Since you didn't bother to talk about this rationally, I'll tell you where I was yesterday. When we all went to the grill, I went to the bathroom and was attacked by Stefan and Damon's crazy ex who had gotten out of the tomb. I woke up and she told me it was Klaus that got her out, and Klaus that was in the next room. He came through to talk to me and made it very clear on how he was going to kill me in the sacrifice. But he offered a suggestion. He said that i could save my own life by letting you die in my place. I said no, of course. And then after a little discussion with the very dangerous man who wants to kill me, I came home."

Elena was wide eyed, but hid them quickly. "Well I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. But that's not all I'm mad about."

"What?" I asked. "I just told you how I just saved your life and you want to give me another riot act?"

"Obviously, that's what I meant." She muttered.

"You really are being a bitch today for no reason." I spat. "And you're calling me pathetic? Elena, look at yourself."

Elena, not very happy, decided to slap me across the face.

I gasped and also very cliche of me, I put my hand against my cheek.

"Stefan come get your psyco girlfriend!" Damon shouted, then looked at Elena, grabbed her wrists and shoved his face in hers. "If you ever, ever slap Nina like that again, then I wont hesitate to do the same to you. And I'm a vampire, so it'll hurt."

"Please." Elena scoffed, backing away from Damon just as Stefan enterred looking confused. "You'll be dead in a few weeks anyway."

This time, it was my turn to slap Elena.

"Bitch." She spat. "I was just telling the truth."

"Funny cause that's not the truth." I said. "Damon's going to survive and because of me, you are too."

"Nina why the hell did you just slap her?" Stefan demanded.

"I called you down to take care of your girlfriend, who seconds before you arrived slapped Nina. Hard." Damon explained. Stefan looked at his psyco girlfriend and shook his head.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because she's just a little bitch!" Elena cried.

"Seriously, why the hell are you being like this?!" I shouted. "Cause you walked in on what looked like me and Damon kissing? Ask me, you seem completely jealous."

She launched at me, literally. My back hit hard against the table and she forced herself up in my face. Was that it? Was it all because she was jealous?

"I am not jealous of you and your soon to be dead, wannabe baddass, bourbon drinking vampire. Stefan is so much more he will ever be."

"I like Stefan, and that's why I feel so very sorry for him at the minute." I said. "Because he has to put up with your mood changing, unstable ass."

I pushed at Elena, trying to get her off me. I glared at the brothers. "Aren't you gonna do anything?"

"I'm the one that's unstable?" Elena muttered. "Nina, I'm not the one throwing myself at a man who I will never get."

"Really Elena?" I demanded as Stefan wrapped his hands around her waist, whispering something in her ear. "You sound so jealous right now. Is that what it is? You're jealous?"

"No." She growled.

"Well, you're giving out all the signs that you are."

Then, just as Stefan pulled Elena off me, she shrugged him off and launched forwards again. She quickly reached her arms out and grabbed my wrist, pulled me forwards off the table and then shoved me in the direction of one of the chairs.

You make me feel human (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now