Beginnings Start With An End.

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I was just brushing my hair when Oakry walked in. Grus probably already told her of my departure because she helped me to get ready with out speaking a word. We've grown up together. I was there when she told Asher of their baby. The baby I won't get to see born. 

"This sucks." Oakry looked down at me with a sad smile. "Any chance your might have the baby in the next couple hours?"

"No chance hun. I'll write to you when I do. Maybe you will be able to visit one day? Or I'll visit when we are both strong enough."

"I'd like that." I sighed, kissing her bump. Being an aunt is something I've been looking forward to. Gunner probably won't let me visit though, but I shall not tell her that. No need for us to both be hysterical. 

"So what is your new Pack like?" She grinned, turning me around to brush my hair. 

"No idea. Gunner said they are looking forward to meeting me. But he won't let that happen for three weeks. Something about tradition. I think it is to make me subordinate and rely upon on him. He's supposed to be taking me back tonight but he's agreed to let me sleep here. Traditions can be a pain." 

"He sounds respectable Lynx. Maybe this will be good for you. I know you don't want a Mate just yet but at least he sounds decent." Oakry finished sorting my hair before turning me around. "Now, put your dress on and we can get started on your face."

It was finally dark and the central fire was ablaze. Everyone was dressed and painted for the celebration. Gunner was no where to be seen though. Papa said that he will escort me to the celebration to 'pass me onto' Gunner. I guess it's like a human wedding really. But anyway, I'm dressed, painted and ready. Oakry is already getting food with Archer so I have to brave this on my own. 

"Ready Lynx?" Papa sighed, stepping into my tent. I didn't speak a word, merely letting him take my arm to lead me out. "Smile sweetheart. The Pack will worry if they see you sad."

"Why Papa? You know I am not ready. What is the reason for this?" He sighed deeply before answering me.

"I'm sorry, but it's for the good of the Pack. And for you. There is no better Male out there for you to Mate. You will understand when you meet his Pack."

"But that is weeks away! You expect me to live with him for three weeks? He could hurt me. Or worse!"

"No Lynx, he won't. You will do as he says and he will love you. But for now we must smile and celebrate."

"I will never forgive you." I hissed, turning my face away from him.

"And I will live with that." Papa gruffed before pulling me out of my tent. "Smile!"

*Later on*

"You better take care of her!" Mam, Oakry's mother warned Gunner as we walked up to them. "Lynx! Oh you do look beautiful. How exciting this is, hum? I'm sure you will love the Mated life."

"Thank you Mam." I whispered softly, looking down.

"Well, I will leave you two to talk. Are you coming Jaxon?" Papa left with Mam meaning it was just Gunner and I.

"This Pack speak fondly of you Mate." He lifted my chin. "I can not blame them. Our Pack are lucky to have you my beauty."

"Why do you say 'our Pack' when it is yours and not mine?"

"Because as soon as I accepted you, you rightfully became a member of my Pack. I only allow you this final tradition you are accustomed to because I do not want you to fight me later on. Now, you have some good byes do you not?"

"I will fight you no matter what Gunner. This is my Pack and these are my people, nothing will change that!" He grabbed me roughly by the elbow before yanking me up so we were face to face.

"Your Pack? Need I remind you how happily they are giving you away? No remorse. Look!" And he was right. Everyone was laughing and grinning, clinking drinks together merrily. "Now. You have three weeks to look forward to when your only companion is me. I suggest you behave or we will leave now and Mate as soon as we get home." He let me go before stepping back.

"I will run the second I get a chance." Gunner smiled crookedly at my statement.

"And you will find yourself permanently chained to my bed before you make it even three steps away." He smiled darkly. "Although... That idea is tempting already. I almost hope you give me reason to do so."

"I'm not going to sleep in your bed." I hissed, taking another step back.

"Well where else do you think you will sleep?" He chuckled, looking at me with amusement. 

"My bed!"

"Ours darling, don't be so possessive." He tugged me against his chest again and pressed his lips to my ear. "I fully plan on being between my Mates thighs before falling asleep with her on my chest. Every night. And when you are big and round with my Pups, you will be grateful that I care for you."

"That's not caring for me. I'm not going to give you children." He pressed a finger against my lips as a couple of my Pack members brought some food over to us. 

"Thank-you." He said politely to them, frowning at me as I tried to speak to the girl. I've never really worked with her or hung out but we did grow up together. "Here." Gunner murmured, passing me an extra chicken leg.

"I've already got one."

"You need your strength for the journey." Thanking him timidly I took the extra food. I can eat after all... And a lot at that. Our argument seemed to have taken a break as we ate before the Pack decided to do gifts and such. We always bless a member when they leave and give a female things such as dresses when they leave to Mate. It was all really over whelming and at one stage Gunner was dragged off by the males - much to his horror - so us women can follow a few traditions. It was then I was gifted with lace and underwear and stuff that is only worn for our Mate.
Oakry and I cried half the time and Mam kept sniffling. It was here I said my goodbyes.

It was shortly after that Papa took my by the wrist and walked me to my tent for my last ever night in my birth Pack.

"Good night my sweet Lynx. Try to be good okay? I'll come visit once your settled in. We both know Gunner won't let you visit alone and he's a busy man. But you will have time to craft at least. Sleep well my daughter." He kissed me on the forehead but I refused to respond. He's sending me away after all despite promising he never would. Sighing, I slumped on my bed and kicked my shoes off.

"Dress warm Lynx. It's going to be cold on our journey." Gunner murmured from the door way. "I'll be talking with some Pack members but I'll know when you are asleep."

"Shoes?" I sighed, knowing I couldn't sleep in boots.

"Wear thick socks. Get some sleep soon okay? I want to head off soon." And with that he left. Well he did seem sweet till he told me to sleep... Who can sleep that fast? After checking everything I packed was correct I bundled up in layers and extra socks before laying on my bed as a sweating mess.

Oakry  crept in and laid next to me like we normally do when Asher is away for the night. No words were spoken but having her with me helped me drift off fairly quickly. The last thing I remember is her turning over and her bump pressed against my hip which the baby kicked.

(Sorry for any mistakes or plot holes. It's been a few months since I started this. Please remember to vote and comment. It really makes my day! Thanks x)

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