Chapter 28 (when romance and stars take over)

Start from the beginning

Once we were in the park we sat on a bench and waited. My fingers started to get cold and my tummy was turning.

“Hey, you okay?” J.D brought my hand to his lips and kissed my fingers.

“Mmm.” I nodded my head sending one fake smile and then nervously looked around searching for Steven.

“Guys.” As soon as I heard that voice chills ran down my back. This is going to be something bad. I have a bad feeling about this.

We all turned behind us and J.D gave Steven a cold smile. “Sit.”

Steven sat on the bench across us. I tried to look calm and I started breathing deep to stop my self from shaking. This man brought me more fear then Craw from the first day he started threatening me.

The guys made some stupid chit chat until Jake finally asked him if he is done with the gang and the criminal.

“Look I have made some big mistakes In my life and…I wanna set them right. I know I have done a lot of wrong to you guys but believe me I just wanted to be part of Craw’s crew and spending couple of weeks in jail really changes you. I…I know I probably don’t deserve for you to forgive me but..i had to talk to you and apologize.”

“Man you were way out of line. You blackmailed me.” Jake complained.

“You wanted to hurt my girlfriend.” J.D said looking at me. I tried not to blush.

“I know and I’m so sorry. And I’m sorry Julie.” He looked at me. “I’m sorry for threatening you. Can you forgive me?” His eyes were wet and he was starring at me the whole time. Oh god, does this man blink? So akward…

“Yeah.” A quiet sound appeared from my mouth.

“You do have to understand things can’t be like before?” J.D warned him

“Yeah I’m pretty aware of that. I just wanted to have a clean start, you know.” He was still looking at me. Why was he looking at me?

“I guess everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance.” Jake looked at J.D. They both agreed.

“Okay man, we’re good.” J.D shook hands with Steven and so did Jake.

“Well I have to go.. I guess I’ll see you around then.”

“Yeah.” I gave him a cold smile.

“Bye Julie.” He smiled at me and walked away.

Once he was gone I turned to J.D. He looked pretty happy he cleared everything. It made me more relaxed immediately. I guess J.D is happy to get his friend back even though Steven has a lot to do to make up to him.

Maybe people can change, maybe don’t. But I just hope Steven won’t blow this chance.

“Sugar, do you want to go home?”


“I’ll take you.” J.D rose up and we headed to leave. I hugged Jake for goodbye and we walked hand in hand home.

“What do you think about Steven? Is he really changed?”

I didn’t want to crush J.D’s hopes but I didn’t want to lie either.

“I guess that maybe Steven tries to hard to be back but I wouldn’t trust him if I was you. At least for a while.”

“You know I love you right.” He hugged my shoulder and kissed the side of my head.

“I love you too J.D. Don’t you forget that.” I smiled and continued happily.

I arrived home and found my mom sitting in the living room.

When I saved the bad boy (2016)Where stories live. Discover now