Chapter 18

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The lawyer went to the two parents and pushed them apart. "I need all of you to step outside, so we can further discuss this situation." Begrudgingly, everyone, including Kate, stepped outside and listened to the lawyer. "Alright, the agreement was to have Beau?-" The lawyer hesitated at the name, but looked at Beau who nodded, so he continued. "-stay with Conrad and Debbie Walker for a week. If all went well then Beau would stay with them until he moved out. Considering there was never a signed paper for Beau to go into foster care after he was removed from the walkers house hold, he should still be living with his aunt and uncle. I've contacted the god parents and they told me they want nothing to do with the child."

"Sorry to interrupt," Hudson interrupted. "But considering Beau has already been removed from the walkers due to abuse, shouldn't he not go back? And if the god parents wanted Beau back, then he would've never gone to a foster home in the first place. All of the kids in the fighting ring, once out, were in the news and had last names. Beau was clearly there and well able to reach. The walkers, on the other hand, weren't able to go and get Beau because he legally wasn't theirs. If the god parents gave Beau up, which it seems like they did, and the foster care took him in then wouldn't that make the Adam's adoption registered and official? It only seems logical." Matt put his arm around Hudson. Sam nodded and crossed his arms, they both seemed to agree.

"Also, I know it's probably not my place, sorry Beau," Kate also interjected. "Beau told me that because of simply objecting to something his birth father said, he was beaten and thrown to the ground. His chest was kicked in and something was implied that I won't repeat. This household doesn't seem like the best place for Beau to stay. It's in HIS best interest to continue living with Matt and Sam."

"All you have is something that this kid said! That's not proof enough to take out child away! Where's the actual evidence that this actually happened." Conrad crossed his arms, feeling pretty confident.

"Right there." Sam pointed at Beau. "And in that building." He pointed to the hospital behind him. He then walked over to Beau and pointed to his eye. "Where on earth would he get a black eye from? And have his ribs broken, if not a blow to the chest?"

"In school! He's ended up in the hospital because of school before!" Debbie added in her two cents.

"There are school records showing that Beau left school during first period because of bruising and some type of abuse. There's no time for anyone to beat Beau up without getting caught by a teacher." Hudson glared at Debbie, who glared back.

"Alright! I've heard enough. I came here to collect evidence to see how this is going, after hearing Beau ran away, I wanted to know why. I see now what's happened. There's no reason to take this to court, unless the walkers have anything to add and debunk this." The lawyer turned to the parents, who got oddly quiet. "Alright, the child safety agency will take care of the walkers and any further information. Beau will stay with the Adams, but will be checked up on periodically for at least three months. If any new evidence shows up then I'll be back, but for now I'm going to close this case. Mr. And Mrs. Walker please come with me." And with that, the lawyer and the walkers got into a car and drove off. Beau, his now official parents, Hudson, and Kate were left in front of the hospital to rejoice.

"We did it!!" Hudson yelled, grabbed Beau and lifting him up. He kissed the smaller and swung him around.

"You're hurting me..." Beau muttered and Hudson placed him down. Beau leaned against his chest and sighed.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kate." Matt went over and hugged Kate. "You really helped us..."

"Anytime! I don't think I could've stood for Beau to stay there any longer. I think that you, Sam, and Hudson will help him the most. Give him all the love he needs and keep him close. Make sure to let him know he's loved, okay? He's opened up a lot more, and he'll open up more and more with you. He's been so away from love for so long, it's hard for him to see what it looks like and to have trust. Make sure to show him. Let him feel like a kid if he wants. That's all I could ask for." Kate gently smiled.

Matt smiled back. "Of course...that's all we've wanted too. We'll make sure he gets the proper care from now on. Thank you..." Matt and Kate hugged again, before all of them parted ways.

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