Chapter 2

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The three got into the car and Matt and Sam turned around to Beau. "So? Who were you talking to?" Matt asked

"Hudson...I guess...he's a friend?" Beau shrugged. He slumped back into the seat.

"You made a friend?? Way to go, champ!" Sam cheered. "You can invite him over whenever you want." He smiled and started driving off.

They got home and Beau flopped down at the couch. Matt told him to start his homework. Him and Sam went into the kitchen, leaving Beau alone.

Beau did as he was told and he finished his homework in a bit. They night went on as usual. Beau didn't text Hudson. He went to bed with Matt and Sam telling him good night. Another normal night and day.

About an hour passed and Beau's dreams started changing into nightmares. Beau was back with his unloving, uncaring, parents. They were telling him he was useless and stupid. They were hitting him and dragging him down with their words. The location changed to Beau's old fighting ring. Everyone he knew was there. They were cheering him on to fight, telling him to beat the other guy. Beau looked up at who he was fighting. The other boy was twice his size with a vicious smile. It was just like the first fight Beau got into when he first arrived at the fighting ring.

Matt and Sam were woken up by Beau screaming. They ran into his room and woke him up. Beau sat up and looked at his parents. They quickly hugged him and calmed him down. This was one of the only times Beau showed his affection towards them. He was crying and clinging to Matt's chest.

"Shhh...were right here...nothing can get you..." Matt rocked Beau back and forth in his arms.

"What happened?" Sam asked as he reassuringly rubbed Beau's back.

Beau looked out from matt's chest, shyly. "I had a nightmare...Hudson left...everyone was forcing me to fight again...a-and the" He hid his face again, shaking.

"Hey...shhh..." Matt hugged Beau tightly. "No one's going to make you fight. Hudson isn't going to leave you. And if something ever does happen with you and a teacher you tell us as soon as possible!"

Beau curled up tightly into Matt. "W-what if I can't??" He chocked out.

"We'll make sure it won't happen then. We'll keep you safe! It's our job..." Sam said hugging Matt with Beau sandwiched between.

After another hour Beau fell asleep on top of Matt. He was clinging tightly to his shirt, so Matt stayed. Sam also stayed with the two. Beau hadn't done with in a while, only when he first came.

Days of yesterdayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora