Chapter 15

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Bulkhead was in deep thought when Miko suddenly jumped into the passenger side.

"Drive!" She yelled. Bulkhead sped away from the school and was a few blocks away before he slowed down.

"Wait. Why?" He asked, Miko was looking back and chuckled to herself.

" reason." She said sitting back down, and acting innocent.

"Miko." Bulkhead said sounding slightly irritated. The girl looked at the wheel and sighed, she then slumped back into the chair and folded her arms.

"My teacher wanted to talk to me after school, but I booked it right as the bell rang. You should have seen how fast I ran Bulk." Miko said smiling. The wrecker sighed then proceeded to talk to her about being responsible.

Later as they were driving down the desert, a muscle car suddenly pulled up behind them. It was faded black and yellow. Miko noticed it first, she looked back behind them and scrunched her nose.

"That car looks a lot like Bumblebee, just different color." She said, Bulkhead looked at the rear view mirror.

" does." He watched as the car pulled along side them and rammed into the side. Miko yelled in surprise.

"Hold on tight!" Bulkhead said as the car hit them on the back side causing the wrecker to spin. When he righted himself he sped up and drove further away. Suddenly his back tire blew up and sent him flying, Miko screamed, on instinct he transformed into a robot. Landing on his feet he slid a little, Bulkhead then ran to a rock out cropping. Opening his chest cavity, he pulled Miko out and placed her on a ledge in front of a cave.

"Hide in there you'll be safe." The wrecker said, he transformed his hand into a mace. The girl hid from sight, but peeked out so she could see. The muscle car came around the corner and transformed, and the bot started walking towards them. They both gasped, there in front of them stood Bumblebee, but faded in color and a lot of scratches.

"What happened to you kid?" Bulkhead asked, the Scout pulled out his guns and aimed. "I really don't want to fight you kid!" The bot started running as he fired, the wrecker dodged as he tried to avoid fighting his friend. When he got close enough Yellow Jacket punched the bigger bot in the face, making him stumble against the rocks.

"Sorry kid." Bulkhead swung the mace with all his might, it caught Yellow Jacket in the chest and sent him flying in the opposite direction. He hit the ground hard and rolled, finally landing on his stomach. He tried to get up but fell back down. Bulkhead stared in surprise, he suddenly felt bad.

"Oh dang. I didn't mean to hit him that hard." He ran over and aimed his gun at the bots head, just in case. The littler bot shook his head, looking up he stared down the barrel of a cannon.

"Don't make me shoot you Bumblebee." The wrecker said. Something inside the little bot clicked, shaking his head again, he looked at the wrecker.

"Bulkhead...?" He beeped weakly. The bigger bot stared at the Scout. He suddenly realized he was staring into the bots pale blue eyes, not purple.

"Ha ha!!" He picked up his friend and gave him a bot crushing hug, "Bumblebee!" He said excitedly setting him down. Bee stumbled a little but regained his balance, and looked around.

"Wait until the team hears about this." He said happily.

"What's going on?" The Scout beeped, he looked at his friend searching for an answer.

"I'm not sure Bee. What's the last thing you remember?" Bulkhead set his hand on the bots shoulder. Bumblebee thought for a moment, trying to focus.

"Bulkhead. Are you okay?" Miko asked standing on the ledge. Bumblebee looked towards the sound, when he saw the girl, his eyes flashed from blue to purple then back. 'Don't fail,' Arachnids voice echoed. Bumblebee grabbed his head, groaned, and took a few stumbling steps forward.

"Bee?" Bulkhead said. The younger bot looked at his friend with confusion and fear.

"Arachnid..." He beeped weakly. Bulkhead watched as his eyes turned purple again, the Scout then walked towards Miko.

"No!" The wrecker hit the little bot again, but this time he got up quicker. Yellow Jacket fired at the Autobot, he jumped over him and then kicked at his back as hard as he could. Bulkhead stumbled into the cliff again. Yellow Jacket fired rapidly at the cliff face, and boulders rained down on the Autobot.

"Bulkhead!!" Miko cried. Yellow Jacket turned his attention to her again. The girl ran back into the cave, she looked back and saw the bot reaching in after her. Miko ran further in but tripped, the bot grabbed one of her legs and started to drag her out, the girl screamed. When he had her out, he tossed her up and transformed. Miko screamed as she fell through the air, then gasped in surprise as she landed in the passenger seat. The seat belt wrapped around her to keep her from escaping, and the muscle car sped off into the desert.
Bulkhead heard Miko scream and then the angry roar of an engine. He broke out of the boulders and looked around, but saw nothing.

"No, no, no." Anger started to boil inside him. The wrecker ran to the cave, where he had left the girl. "Miko." No answer "Miko!" He yelled, but there was no response. He started to walk back to the road, but he felt weak and sank to his knees. Why would Bumblebee do this? As if in a dream he radioed Rachet, he felt sick.

"Rachet.....I need...a bridge." He said weakly. He turned the radio off as the Medic started asking questions. Miko was gone, his little girl. A wave of fear and anger washed over him, and he slammed his fits into the ground. He felt as though his spark had broken.

"MIKO!!!" He yelled. The wind carried his cry across the desert until it faded away.

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