Chapter 6

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Bumblebee raced down the stretch of road. He wasn't going as fast as possible, because he didn't really feel like winning, to be honest, he just wasn't in the mood to race. But he was putting in a decent effort so it at least looked like he was trying. Smokescreen raced past him again as they approached the finish line. Bumblebee speed up just a little, so it felt like a challenge.

Arcee and Bulkhead watched the race from a distance. They had secretly watched them race twice already, and noticed that Smokescreen, had won each time.
"Bee isn't trying very hard." Bulkhead said.
"He's letting Smokescreen win." Arcee said smiling.

Smokescreen crossed the finish line, he cheered as he transformed back into a bot. Bumblebee walked up beside him.

"Whoo!!! I won again! That's twice now!" He continued jumping up and down as the other two joined them. Smokescreen walked up to Bulkhead smiling.
"Did you see that? I won twice!" He said happily.
"Oh we saw." Bulkhead said.
"Ya we saw how Bumblebee LET you win twice." Arcee said.
Bumblebee flinched. Smokescreen stopped cheering and turned to look at his team mate.
"What? Your letting me win?" He said sounding hurt.
"Well...I... Ya." Bee said.
"He does that...a lot." Arcee said, she gave him a look with her arms folded. Bumblebee glared at her.
"No, no, no." Smokescreen said. "Bee we are racing, you don't hold all."
"Ya Bee. You give your all." Bulkhead said. "Let's race for REAL this time." Smokescreen said. Bumblebee looked at all of them, then smiled coyly. "Alright. Let's race." Smokescreen cheered. Arcee made the starting line in the road. The both transformed into car mode, and came to the start.
"Alright." Bulkhead said "Go from here to that giant table looking rock." There was a pause.
"You mean the flattop cliff?" Arcee asked.
"Yes. Whatever it is. Drive to it and around it, then back here." Bulkhead said.
"On your mark..." They revved their engines. "Get set..."
"Eat my dust." Bumblebee growled.
"GO!!" They took off like a shot, and raced down the track. They started out neck to neck. As Smokescreen started to pass, Bumblebee knocked into him playfully.
"HEY!" Smokescreen yelled. "Don't play dirty!" Bumblebee laughed as he speed up.

"Who are you rooting for?" Bulkhead asked as they watched.
"Smokescreen, he's really fast." Arcee said. "You?"
"Bumblebee, he can get pretty intense when he wants to." Bulkhead said.

Bumblebee speed down the road, it felt great to go so fast. He saw Smokescreen coming up pretty fast.
"Take this!" He said. As he started to pass, he pushed against Bumblebee. Bee laughed at the new challenge, and they both started pushing each other. Soon they were stuck together and pushing against the other. Bumblebee realized the turn was coming up, and it was just to his right. He pushed back on Smokescreen, and as he pushed harder Bumblebee turned sharply to the right, causing Smokescreen to spin a little. He laughed as he drove around the cliff, and Smokescreen yelled at him.

The Insecticon crouched on the edge of the flattop. As he watched the bot round the corner, he jumped into action, transforming into a bug he flew after the bot. The Autobot was moving to fast, he aimed at one of the tires, and fired.

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