Chapter 11

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Bumblebee came back around to see the cave ceiling, he tried to get up but couldn't move. Looking down he noticed that he was strapped to a table, and the room he was in seemed to be a lab. The Scout tugged at his restraints, he continued to scan the room looking for something, anything to help get him free. The sound of footsteps filled his ears, and he pulled harder. Looking towards the door, he saw the Insecticon and Arachnid coming towards him. The con stood behind him, and the Spider walked to a table, picking up a vial she inspected the contents. He couldn't see what she did with the vial, and a few minutes later she turned around with a smirk on her face.

"You have made my plan hard to complete Autobot," Arachnid said as she circled the table, she flipped switches and connected a wire to his chest. The Scout wiggled and fought until the Insecticon pinned his shoulders down, and growled at him. "However, I have been able to continue my plan ever since I recruited... More help." She said as she touched the Insecticons face, which made him purr. Bumblebee shuddered, and suddenly heard a Spark monitor start beeping softly. He started to wiggle again, and the Insecticon slammed him down to hold him still.

"There's no use trying to escape," Arachnid chided, she was behind him now, "you are going to become my secret weapon." She whispered in his ear. "And nothing will be able to stop you." With that she bit his neck and injected the rest of her poison. Arachnid and the Insecticon stepped back as the Spark monitor spiked. Bumblebee felt like there was fire flowing through him, his body convulsed violently, he tried to fight the urge to thrash about, the Spark monitor beeped faster and more rapid. The Scout involuntarily let out a cry of pain, then unexpectedly went slack, and the Spark monitor flat lined.
The room fell silent, with the exception of the monitor, Arachnid walked over to look at the Scouts face, and saw that his eyes where black and empty. She shuddered slightly, then sighing said, "Looks like my experiment failed." The Insecticon walked over to her.

"What is your command?" It said. She looked at the lifeless body of the Scout, then turned to her computer monitor.

"We'll have to start over. Dispose of the body, and we'll select another target." She started typing "Maybe a Decipticon will be a stronger subject." She started searching for Megatrons war ship.

The Insecticon undid the restraints, as he did the last one, Arachnid heard the Spark monitor beeped once. The cons both stopped and stared at the screen, but it remained flat, curios the Insecticon moved to where he could look into the bots eyes. Arachnid watched the monitor screen, suddenly there was a rapid beeping sound, she heard a gasp, followed by the Insecticons screech, the monitor spiked, she turned in time to see the Scout jump off the table. He was on top of the Insecticon, and had both hands against its throat. She watched the beast struggle for a moment, and listened to the Spark monitor beep rapidly. Arachnid heard the monitor slow down, the beast stopped moving, and after a moment everything was quite.
The Spider jumped when she saw the Scout stand upright, slowly he turned to face her, and she gasped. The bots eyes where a pale cold purple, and his color had faded slightly. Arachnid backed away as the Scout approached her, he stopped a few feet away and just stood there. The only sound was the Spark monitors steady beeping.
After a few minutes Arachnid took a few steps forward. When he made no response, she walked around him in a full circle, studying the bot as she did.

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong," she said when she was finally in front of him again. "Do you still make the annoying beeping sound when you attempt to talk?" His cold purple eyes locked onto hers, but he didn't make a sound. "You seem to understand me just fine, that's good." Using one of her spider legs, she cut him across the arm, and watched as it healed, but the scratch didn't completely go away. "Hmm...the healing factor works, just fine." She walked back the the computer, and typed away.
'Can't call him by his old name. Wasn't a very good one anyway.' She thought. Turning back she saw how his coloring was still black and yellow, yet not as bright, more dull if anything else.

"I know what to call you," she said walking back to him. "Yellow Jacket."

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