twenty-nine:: when you learn how to bond.

Comenzar desde el principio

My speaking got his attention, his hands strumming silently as he looked up at me, hazel eyes blinking lightly. It was weird, seeing his face and not automatically thinking he hated me or seeing his eyes with no judgement in them when his twin was the exact opposite. Landon wasn't like Brandon though, he was more excited and he smiled more. Overall, he seemed like a positive person. That was proven when he greeted me with a full smile, as if we'd been friends for years when we'd really only interacted around five times since I'd been unofficially living there.

Landon stopped strumming altogether, "Hey, Freckles." And then his eyebrows furrowed as his smile turned into a look of worry and concern, "sorry, did I wake you?"

I shook my head, "No, I was already up."

Still he apologized, "Sorry, I'm just really excited about song writing again, you know? And I haven't held this thing in a while... I don't know." There was this way about him, the way he instantly started talking to me as if we were close... His excited tone got even dimmer as he stared down at his guitar as if he felt like were over sharing and his smile got smaller.

"You always play in the morning?"

He shook his head, hair limp with no product in it and I could tell that he'd been up late despite how awake and full of life he seemed. He gestured towards the made bed in the corner of the room, his side looking like a complete mess next to the completely organized side I'd assumed to be Brandon's, "No, it's just Brandon's working and Rilee's a heavy sleeper."

Landon had shrugged when my eyes had centered back on him, looking down at his guitar again and playing the same riff I'd been hearing since I'd entered, "Paul doesn't care if I play, said it helps him sleep for some reason."

I nodded, sensing the apology that was underlying in his words. He seemed a bit too apologetic, as if he felt like he were doing something wrong, "It's okay. What're you playing?"

He shrugged but I could tell that he enjoyed my inquiring. He seemed to be happy with the attention and I didn't miss the way smile on his face became brighter. "Lithium by Nirvana. I don't know, I was feeling some Kurt Cobain in me at like 2 a.m. and I've been kind of practicing ever since."

And Landon was good, despite me not really knowing the song. He looked completely dedicated and in love with the sound and that transferred through what he was playing, you could tell. Even from the videos I'd seen on their channel, he always put 110% into everything he played just as Paul did with his art, "You're really good."

"Thanks." His smile warmed and I could tell no one really told him that.

He was sunshine, that much was obvious but that was a front that I could see slipping. He wasn't like Paul, an actual angel, no... I could see that Landon was trying really hard to be that positive, that sure of himself and when we were around other people, I believed that he really was but as I stood in their room at 5am and watched the way he forced his smile at some parts and the way he seemed unsure of himself, I could relate, "Are you okay?"

I guess I've always been a bit good at reading people because he shrugged, "I don't know. I guess I am..."

And I understood that, not knowing where I stood on my own feelings, "I feel."

And I saw him sigh, smile still there but there was a newfound insecurity in his eyes."Why are you trying to talk to me?" His smile turned into a grimace, "We never really talk."

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