Chapter 20

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Hey there!

this is really short, I apologize

Vote....Comment....Fan? <3

The story is coming to an enddd!

Edited? [x]



*hours before*

Gabe's P.O.V.

The last thing I could remember before that whole floor fell on top of the elevator was Erin's weak, scared smile. As soon as I saw the building crumble on top of her, my heart dropped. "No! Erin!" I yelled, but I knew it was no use.

I felt my knees buckle, and I couldn't hold in my tears. There was no way she could've survived that. We tried to run to where she was, but someone grabbed us, pulling us out of harms way. "You two, stay out here. We'll do our best to get her out. For right now, we need you guys to be calm." The firefighter said, putting us in the arms of the paramedics. They put a blanket over our shoulders and tried to calm us down.

I can't believe she's gone.

I felt like someone ripped my heart from my chest and stabbed it with a hundred different knives. I turned towards Cole and saw his still, sculptured figure. There were covered in tears. The crew came over to us. They were all in tears. Madison and Will, the more sensitive ones in the group, came to us and tried to make us feel better. I pushed them away although I really needed some comfort.

"Look!" Mel yelled, pointing to the hotel.

We all looked in that direction and saw some firefighters rolling a gurney towards the truck. Was it Erin? I hopped off the paramedics truck and ran over to them.

"Please stay back young man." One of them said. "No, she's my best friend." I stated, not letting her be more than a foot away from me. "She needs to go the emergency room right now. She's in critical condition." The firefighter said to the paramedics. I hopped into the back of the ambulance and sat next to Erin's lifeless figure. I grabbed her hand, "C'mon, stay with me Erin, please. Don't give up."


I haven't left her side since they brought her out of the hotel. She hasn't become conscious yet, but I wanted to be the first person she sees when she opens her eyes.

If she ever does.

Right now she was hooked up to an array of beeping machines, it's been about five hours and she still hasn't shown any sign of being alive. It brought tears to my eyes, but I needed to be strong.

For Erin.

The girl who's been there longer than anyone else has. The girl who has stuck with me throughout all my pointless phases. Even back in middle school when I thought I was too cool to talk to her, she was there for me. She never gave up on me. It took me three years to finally realize that true friends and popularity are hard to come by, but friends last longer. The girl who has seen me cry so many times. The girl I've shared my first kiss with because I was too nervous to have it with anyone else. The girl that has watched all the Batman movies with me. The girl who knows my whole family. The girl who is treated as my sister. The girl I've basically spent my whole life with. The girl I've loved more than I ever loved anyone. The girl who was my best friend. She has never given up on me and I'm not planning on giving up on her. Ever.


Erin's P.O.V.

I slowly open my eyes and was blinded by how bright it was that I didn't notice the numbness in my legs. The air smelled like disinfectant straight from the bottle. I could feel the hairs on my arms rise as my body processed that it was under seventy degrees in the room. I reached out and felt my surroundings, nothing but stuffy sheets and flat pillows. I groaned as I tried to sit up, the soreness of my body making it almost impossible. 

"She's awake!" I heard Mel say. Everyone started to crowd around my hospital bed, staring at me. I took in all their puffy faces, their cheeks turning red from constantly wiping away tears with tissues. Even Dalton's eyeliner was unobtrusive, it was unreal. Gabe was next to me, holding my hand. The constant sniffs and the abundant amount of tissues around the room made me want to start crying, I didn't mean to put my friends through complete hell. 

"I'm sorry." I softly say, feeling my throat more dry than usual. They all took turns hugging me and telling me how much they loved me, which made me want to start crying all over again. 

"Why are you saying sorry? You had no way of knowing any of this would happen." Nikki said, her eyes swollen and puffy.

Mel brought me to her, "I'm just so glad you're okay." Mel was never the one to be overemotional, but always the right amount. She never pushed, and she never cared less than she should.

I frantically looked around, desperately searching for the face that I needed to see. The face that I've been thinking about even when I was unconscious. The boy that owned my heart. But instead of locking contact with his chocolate brown eyes, my gaze wandered to my legs and I started choking on my own tears.

"Erin, hey," Gabe said softly, guiding my gaze away. "look at me. It'll be okay." He was crying too. I looked at him, but every other second, I would look back at my legs. He gave me a long kiss on the forehead as I wept.

They were gone.

"Where's Cole?" I asked when I was stable enough to talk. Everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to make a sound. Their faces were so sad that I couldn't help but feel sad too.

"We don't know where he went."


I hope this chapter didn't confuse you lmao 

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