Chapter 6

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Hey there!

Okay, I know the last chapter seemed kind of rushed & all over the place & I apologize. I promised I'd post it the next day, & I only had a limited time to post it. So I deeply apologize. :c

This chapter is longer than the previous ones, so enjoy. c:

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Edited? [x]



"Hey Erin."

It was close to midnight when he came. It only took him less than five minutes to meet me at the park near the beach, and half a second to reply to my message. The salt from the ocean began to make my hair feel like a bird's nest so I pulled it up in a high bun. Gabe strolled towards me with his arms wide open and a silly smile plastered on his face. The reflection from the moon shone on him, revealing his freckled face. I put my hand out in front of me, stopping him before he pulled me in for his famous bear hugs.

"Why'd you tell Cole that I didn't like him? That's such a lie and you know it!"


His arms dropped and he did everything in his power to avoid my gaze. "You're into Cole? Ugh Erin, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." He said genuinely. I squinted my eyes at him, trying to catch any hint that he was lying. "I thought it was kind of obvious..."

"Maybe to him, but to me, I had no clue."

I sighed, "Okay. But you can't just tell him that I don't like him, just because you think I don't. You should've asked me or something, you can't read my mind Gabe."

His eyebrow raised in mockery, "Oh, can't I?"

"Okay smartass, what am I thinking of right now?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

A smile played across his features, "That I'm a huge jerk for almost ruining your chances with Cole." His face softened, and I knew then that I couldn't possibly be mad at him. "Seriously Erin, I'm sorry."

"Gabe, I'm really starting to like him." There was a slight twitch in his features that I couldn't quite read. He quickly masked it and sighed as he pulled me in for a hug, "He's really taken an interest in you."

I squeezed him back, "I really miss having you here, Gabe. I'm so glad you're gonna stay the whole summer. I don't think I could stand another month without you." This seemed to put a huge smile on his face. "I'm happy to be back. I missed the beaches. Which reminds me, we all need to go to the beach soon."

"We can go now. I've been dying for a little one-on-one time with my best friend." I suggested, nudging him in the arm.

We both looked at the beach, which lay just a block from my house. One more from Gabe's.

"Let's do it."

We both start walking. By this time, everyone was either sleeping or partying at the outdoor restaurants on Ocean Drive. The presence of the moon down here didn't mark the end of a day, but the beginning of many memories. Typical Miami night. Once we reached the beach, Gabe gasped. "I forgot how beautiful the beaches were at night."

I grabbed onto his arm as we let our toes sink into the sand. "How could you forget? The beaches are one of the main reasons people come to Miami!" He laughed, his soft laugh. We started strolling along the beach, breathing in the salty tang of the ocean.

" are you holding up with your new found stardom?" I teased.

He couldn't help but smile. "It's definitely been a crazy ride, but I don't regret anything. IM5 is part of who I am now, and so are all the fivers out there. Yes, they're very...crazy. But I can't help but love them. They support us non-stop, and without their support, we wouldn't be where we were today."

Summer Lovin'Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ