Chapter 17

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Hey there!

Haven't posted in like, what? three days? :c Oh & THIS STORY IS ALMOST AT 1,000 READS!!!. who's excited?

I'm not. jk i lied

well I'm posting chapter 17 now & the ending is near...which is both good & bad news.

the ending won't be posted as quick as most of the other chapters because I'm actually writing a new ending to this story, so be patient young grasshoppers. c:

Vote....Comment....Fan? <3

Edited? [x]



Today, we were going to Magic Kingdom, one of the theme parks at Disney World. It had mostly roller coasters, and we wanted our last day here to be something we'd all remember. Cole and I bought Mickey and Minnie ears, and we would do our best imitation of their voices wherever we went. When I got tired, I jumped onto Cole's back and he carried me throughout the park.The Disney park workers would smile whenever we walked by.

"How cute." I would occasionally hear them say, followed by a nostalgic sigh.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Are you IM5?" We all turn and see a group of girls, staring at us with adoring eyes.

"Why yes we are." Dana said, winking at them. I instinctively turned to look at Danya, who just gripped his arm tighter. "Um...can a picture with you guys?" One of the girls stuttered.

I hopped off Cole's back and smiled, "Here, I'll take the picture for you guys."

They automatically shoved their phones and cameras into my arms. Mel had to rush in and help me before I dropped one of them. I couldn't help but notice that some of the girls were a little too close to the boys. I could tell Madi, Nikki, Danya, and even Mel were tensing up. They would make us take a million pictures of different poses with the boys. The girl with the IM5 snapback closed in on Will, and made him put his arms around her. Another girl was wearing high waisted shorts with white high tops, she went next to Dana and snuggled her head on his chest. The girl with the plaid shirt tied around her waist went to Gabe and started laughing obnoxiously at something I'm sure wasn't funny at all. Gabe just smiled politely and posed for the picture. Then there was this girl who had dark eyeliner rimming her lids who stood by Dalton, throwing up the punk sign. And the last girl was wearing a burgundy skirt with a white crop top. She went next to Cole and asked for a kiss on the cheek. He glanced over at me to see my reaction. Although I told him he could, he politely declined her offer and brought her in for a hug instead. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that we were taking pictures for ten minutes straight. When they all posed to kiss each boy on the cheek, I could feel the girls instinctively turn their alerts on. Even I was on my toes by that time. 

When I handed back all their phones, they just gave us me a forced smile as they inspected the pictures. Madi, Nikki, Danya, and Mel quickly rushed to the boys' side. I looked down and noticed that my shoes were untied. When I bent down and started tying it, I realized I was still near the group of fans, their backs to me.

"Ew, how can Dalton like her? I mean, have you seen her?" the girl with the dark eyeliner said, with a bucket full of disgust. I could feel my face burning up in anger, but I tried my best to stay calm. "Forreal, and Will could do sooo much better. I wonder why he's settling." The fan with the snapback said, rolling her eyes. 

Did they not realize that I was like, two feet away from them?

I took deep breaths. Just ignore them Erin, just ignore them.

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