Chapter 5

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Hey! c:

I'm finally starting to see people react to this story & it makes me soooo happy. I had fun writing this chapter so I hope you enjoy it! c:

Edited? [x]

a/n: ew pls don't read this until i've edited it, this is one of my least put together chapters & reading it makes me physically cringe. wow my writing style changes drastically in a year, thank God for improvements. so the subliminal message of this author's note: DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER UNLESS THERE IS AN X IN THAT EMPTY BRACKET ABOVE ^

thank you & have an amazing day



Taking off...your love puts me on a cloud

I never wanna touch the ground

I never wanna touch the ground...again

The music filled my ears as I endlessly scrolled through my tumblr. I couldn't help but sing along as I recognized, what could only be, Cole's voice. I smiled as his voice made goosebumps appear all over my body. Mel passed by the room and into my bathroom, and instantly started singing along with me as she heard the familiar beats bounce off my laptop.

"And when you smile, there is zero gravity now..." We sang at the top of our lungs, which would probably result in a very irritated father, but thankfully we were home alone. Then, I saw my phone screen grow bright from the foot of my bed. It was Gabe. I grabbed it and quickly texted a reply.

Gabe: Bowling?

Me: Yes! Half an hour?

Then, I got another text from an unknown number. I was positive it was Cole because Dalton had no particular interest in me unless I was Mel. I wouldn't doubt that they were together.

Cole: Half an hour? Come over now! :)

Me: We have to get ready! (:

Just then, my bedroom door swung open. "Mel, we're going bow-" I stopped midsentence when I realized it wasn't Mel.

"We are not waiting half an hour just so you guys can make yourselves prettier." He air quoted.

"Gabe, what are you doing here?" I asked, quickly shutting my laptop, Zero Gravity with it. He ignored me as he pointed towards the bathroom, "Dalton, go in her mirror cabinet and take all her make-up." He instructed.

"Are you serious right now?" But when I saw Dalton making his way to the bathroom, my heart grew unsteady, "No!" I begged. He really was serious.

Dalton went in my bathroom and I heard a loud piercing scream. Oh no. "I swear I didn't see anything!" Dalton said, making his way out of the bathroom with his eyes shut. He smiled then, "Well nothing I've never seen before."

Mel came out angrily with a towel wrapped around her torso and sent daggers in my direction. I looked at her apologetically, "Oops."

"I was just about to go in the shower and then I see this hooligan rummaging through our cabinet!"

Dalton feigned seriousness, "Just following orders, ma'am." Mel gripped her towel to her body and gently shoved him on the side, "You're such a dork."

"Mel, go change, we're going bowling." Gabe said. She grabbed her clothes and with a huff, went to the bathroom down the hall.

"It's not fair, Dalton gets to wear eye liner! Can I just wear mascara? You can even watch me put it on." I pleaded.

Cole put his hands on my shoulders and looked me, square, in the eyes. "Erin, you're beautiful just the way you are, okay? I prefer you with no make-up anyway." He winked at me.

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