Chapter 13

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Hey there! 

posting chapter 13, just for you guys. reached 20 comments for this whole story, I'm pretty siked! c:

Vote...Comment....Fan? <3

Edited? [x]



I got back to my house at around nine o’clock. Everyone else knocked out in the car ride home. I still had NO clue where Mel was, and I waited for her in my car for about an hour. I had no choice but to leave. Gabe eventually wandered back into the group, but he barely spoke a word to anyone. He didn’t even look in my direction although I desperately tried to make eye contact. I felt terrible, but I couldn’t let his love for me continue.

Mel was my best friend and Cole was my boyfriend. It's just how things were, he’d just have to accept that.

I was sitting in front of my TV, scrolling through my instagram. I came across the picture of Cole and I earlier and smiled to myself. Why did he have to be so cute? I loved everything about him, I couldn't care less if we just a met a few weeks ago. He was just an amazing person, and I loved who I was when I was with him.

I heard the door swing open but I didn't look up because it was usually Jamie and his girlfriend. One time, they came inside nearly sucking each other's faces off, I threw up on the floor. It wasn't an appealing sight, especially if one of those hormonal, out of control teenagers was your brother. 

“I’m sorry for lashing out at you. I was way outta line, and I’m so so sorry.”

I should've.

I looked up from my glowing phone screen to see Mel, lingering near the foot of the couch. I sprang up and gave her a hug, “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so oblivious to what was going on right in front of me.” She hugged me tight and I couldn’t help but smile, I missed her so much.

“I overheard you talking to Gabe earlier.”

I sighed, falling back onto the couch, “Yeah, he hates me.” She took a seat next to me, “He’ll get over it. You guys are best friends, are you really going to let this get in between you guys?”

“I don’t know. You should’ve seen the look on his face, I felt like I just kicked a puppy on the street.” I replayed the moment over and over again in my head, the sadness in his eyes were killing me, literally. She sighed and played with my hair, “Just give him some time,"


“Erin! Wake up! Come on, get up!” I felt someone shaking me from my slumber. I put my pillow over my head and groaned, “Leave me alone.” They pulled the sheets off my bed and let it fall to the floor.

“Ew, put some clothes on!” I heard Dalton shriek.

I quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed the nearest shorts I could find. I saw Nikki and Dalton standing around my bed. “I’m sorry if I like to sleep in my underwear. Why are you in my room anyway?” I buttoned my shorts and gave Nikki the death glare.

“Everyone is downstairs, we have big news!” he said as he walked back downstairs, in which he avoided looking at me altogether. I ran an embarassed hand through my hair and looked at Nikki, “You just had to pull the covers off me, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t know you slept in your underwear! I mean, who does that?” She argued.

 “Uhm…everyone!” We argued all the way downstairs.

“Finally, the beast is awake!” Cole teased, pulling me in and kissing me on the cheek. I just smiled. “So what’s the big news?” Cole and I settled on the couch.

“So words out that we’re all here in Florida, and they want us to play a free concert for all the fans here.” Will explained. I noticed that everyone, even the girls were here. He stood behind her with his arms over her shoulders, as she held onto his forearms.

“…and that’s big news because?”

“They want us to do the concert in Orlando, and do you know what’s in Orlando?” Dana asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me. That’s when it hit me, “Oh yeah, I get it now.” I said smiling.

“No seriously, do you know? Because I really don’t know.” He looked at me with the most serious expression and I couldn’t help but laugh. “There are like a thousand and one things we can do in Orlando! There are so many theme parks and water parks! Orlando is like the reason people come to Florida, next to Miami's beaches, of course." 

Everyone got all excited, I forgot most of them were from out of this state…they were the tourists and I was their tour guide. “So I’m guessing we’re all taking a one week road trip to Orlando?” A smile forming on my face.

“Yeah, our manager set it up and everything. They already reserved our hotel rooms. We leave tomorrow morning.” Gabe said nonchalantly. I stared at him, hoping he’d meet my desperate eyes.

He didn’t.

I sighed and got up, “Well I guess I should start packing. How many people are coming?” I ask, already starting to get a headcount. “Okay, so there are ten people going. The girls can ride with me, and the boys can ride with Gabe.” I said, already sprinting up the stairs.

“ROAD TRIP!” Nikki yelled, following me upstairs.

Staying in the same hotel with everyone for a week, no parents, four hours away from home…what could possibly go wrong? 


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