Chapter 19

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Hey there!

Okay I know you all probably hate my freakin' guts right about now because it's literally been a month since I last updated & I just wanted to take time to apologize to, like, my five readers. I've had major writer's block, not to mention I was never in the hotel room. But I'm updating now & I really really hope I didn't disappoint you guys.

Okay, I'm going to shut up now.

Vote...Comment....Fan? <3

Edited? [x]



Gabe's POV

How could he possibly leave her? Leave her when she absolutely needed him the most?

After the event that happened at the hotel, the crew followed the ambulance to the nearest hospital while I stayed in the truck with Erin laying limp in my arms. Her lifeless body jolted as the truck drove across some bumpy concrete. When we finally arrived in front of the emergency room entrance, everything was a blur. The paramedics quickly rolled her out and into an OR. The girls were a mess as they saw what was unfolding in front of their eyes, and the boys comforted them, tears evident on their smooth faces.

I took a sharp left as I sped down Brickell Bay. I couldn't stop replaying the events that happened over and over in my head. I didn't know how to take Cole's reaction because it was almost as if he was frozen. He showed no emotion in his face. He refused to say a word. No tears were on his cheek. I didn't think anything at the time, everyone dealt with pain in their own ways. But when everyone agreed to wait in the waiting room until Erin was out of surgery, Cole stepped outside, muttering that he needed some air. 

But I never thought he'd just take off. I didn't think he'd actually drive the four hours it took from Orlando back to Miami. 

I never, in a million years, thought he was capable of something like this.

Taking a sharp turn to park in front of my driveway, I stalked towards the front of my house. I could see the light on in the guest room so I took three steps at a time as I went up the stairs.

"How dare you!" I boomed, barging open the door.

I was half expecting him to be sitting on the bed, head in his hands, and tears staining my carpet. I expected him to regret leaving her. But no, he was doing the most unimaginable thing I could think of...well, the second unimaginable thing I could think of. He was packing.

"Where do you think you're going?" I propped myself between him and his luggage.

He wouldn't dare look me in the eye. "I'm going home."

My hands went into fists as he wound around me to finish packing. I didn't realize that my whole body was shaking until I looked down at my pale knuckles. "How could you even think about going home right now? Do you even want to see if she turned out okay?"

When he didn't answer, I shoved him in the chest, "Are you even listening to me?" I shoved him again as I felt the blood boiling through my veins, "Huh, Pendery? Are you?"

He wasn't known for being aggressive so I wasn't expecting him to shove me back.

"WOULD YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?" He yelled, his face turning a dark shade of red.

"No Cole, I can't!" I could see my knuckles turning an unhealthy shade of white so I shakily opened them, allowing my skin to breathe.

"Why the hell not?" He countered, zipping up his luggage and slamming it on the floor.

"Because you can't seem to handle when things take a turn for the worse! And she was my best friend Cole, I don't know how you're expecting me to react!" He made an attempt to walk away but I made it pretty damn difficult by slamming the door shut.

"Just stop reacting, and get out of my face." He growled.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you." I growled, twice as menacing as Cole's Texan accent.

He threw his hands up in frustration, "What the hell do you want from me Gabe?"

"An explanation! How could you even leave her like that? How could you even keep a conserved face, not even shedding a single damn tear when you saw what happened to her?" I argued. I was all worked up now, stalking towards Cole. His sinister glare stayed glued to my face, but he backed up with every step I took. "How could you not have met her in the hospital? How could you not have stayed with her until she woke up?" I shouted.

"Gabe, I'm warning you right now. Get out of my face."

"And I'm warning you right now, go back to the hospital." He just shook his head, so I continued, "Did you really even fucking mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"Saying you loved her, did it even mean anything?"

"Are you fucking serious? Are you really asking me that question right now?" He yelled, his fists shaking.

Good, he was mad. Finally I could actually get some answers.

"Are you gonna answer?" I taunted.

He turned his back to me, trying to clear his head, or so I thought. Before I knew what was happening, he was charging at me like a bull so I braced myself.

He pushed me into a wall, "I LOVE HER!!"

I could feel a bruise start to form on my shoulder blades, but I didn't dare show it. I blocked one of his incoming punches and returned it with one of my own.

"Then why did you desert her when she needed you the most?" I yelled, pushing him to the ground. He scrambled to his feet and successfully punched me in the lip, and another time near my right eye.

"You don't understand!" He yelled angrily.

I ducked one of his uppercuts and jabbed him in the gut. He was doubled over with his arm wrapped around his stomach. I wiped the blood that was now dripping from my lip, staining the white carpeted floor. He took slow steady breaths as he attempted to stand up straight. Grabbing hold of his luggage, I could see his face twisted up like a pretzel. Not that he was in physical pain, but because he was hurting on the inside. I could tell. I didn't stop him from opening the door, but before he could leave my sight I called out to him, "Cole," He turned to look at me. "Erin's dead."

His face was frozen until a wave of realization came flooding in. I saw his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he desperately tried to choke down the tears. But I saw a few of them make an appearance before he quickly turned away.


This story is coming to an end! Brace yourself & don't be sad! Good news, I might have another story coming soon! MIGHT. :)

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