Chapter 18

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Hey there!

Only a few more chapters left! c:

Leave a comment on what you think of the chapter, not for an update, pls? <3

is it getting hot in here or...? (;

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Edited? [x]



Cole and I barely spoke a sentence to each other ever since the event that happened in front of the castle. Yeah, we would still hold hands, but I would always make conversation with someone else. His silence was noticed by most of the boys and they kept giving me strange looks to see what was up. I would quickly look away and start talking to Nikki or Mel, any of the girls that were nearest to me really. I avoided eye contact with him at all costs because I wasn't ready for the blow that followed.

We were back at the hotel, and we were all dragging our feet across the carpeted hallways. "My feet want to die." Danya complained. Mel slid the card and opened our door, the crew trailing behind her.

"Okay, I think I'm going to pass out." I say, kicking off my shoes.

"Sweet dreams, Erin." He said, going in for a kiss. I quickly back away, peck him on the cheek and fall, face first, on my bed without saying a word. All the conversations that surrounded us dispersed the minute I hit the bed. Cole stood there for a second, staring at me. No one dared to say anything, they just looked at each other as I silently wished for the boys to just leave already.

Why did I have to do that to him? What's the matter with me?

After a brief silence, Gabe stated how tired he was and that we should all head to bed. The boys followed suit and I knew, then, I had a lot of explaining to do. Mel shut the door that connected our rooms, locking it.

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me, "What's going on between you two? Did you guys have a fight or something?"

I sighed and crawled under the covers, "We're fine, I'm just tired."

She pulled the covers off of me and yelled, "Tired my ass! What's really going on?"

Usually I didn't respond well to someone, anyone really, screaming at me, but it was Mel. We screamed at each other on a daily basis.

I sighed and brought my knees to my chest. "It's nothing." Madi sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder, "You can talk to us." Mel sat on the floor and held out her pinky, "Okay, let's make a deal. I'll tell you what's going on with me, but then you have to tell me what's really going on between you and Cole. Deal or deal?"

I really didn't feel like talking about what was momentarily going through my head because I was just as confused as them. But knowing Mel, there was no way in hell she was letting this go. This was the first real fight I had with Cole, and she wasn't about to let me off that easily. And that was what was so confusing to me. Cole and I never had fights, we always seemed to be on the same page about almost everything, it was odd. But I could hardly call this a fight, we haven't spoken a word about it. Maybe if I voiced my thoughts, it'd be less confusing?

So I sucked it up and linked my pinky with hers.

"Okay, so Gabe and I aren't dating, but I think we're close to it." She said smiling, giving us this really girly smile. And Mel didn't do girly.

My body sprung off the bed in an instant, "When did this happen?"

Everything started to make sense. Gabe being so forgiving at the concert. Mel being cheekier than usual. The fact that they always sat next to each other on the roller coasters. I internally freaked out at the thought of my two best friends getting together. Everything finally worked out for the best.

Summer Lovin'Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora