Chapter 8

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Hi guysss! Long time no talk! 

I'm sorry, I know I haven't posted in a week or so....but I've been flooded with group projects & tests that are 30% of my final grade. My stress level has been to the roof lately :c

But I'm back now & things are less hectic....well at least I hope so. 

Vote....Comment....Fan? <3

Edited? [x]



It was just another Friday at the Morales household. Gabe and Dalton were busy tossing the football around while Cole and I sat against the tree. He sat in criss cross position as I lay my head on his thigh. We've been hanging out at Gabe's house almost every Friday since they came and Mel would usually just meet up with us later because of her job at the pet store. My parents never once asked about my whereabouts because they were on their annual honeymoon cruise to the Bahamas for the majority of the summer. I didn't have to worry about answering to anyone but myself and Mel.

“Where’s Mel?” Dalton asked.

“She’s on her way, one of the dogs escaped and she's the only one the dogs listened to.” I said as I felt Cole start playing with my hair.

“Heads up!” I heard Gabe yell. I looked up to see who he was talking to when I see the football spiraling right at us. It was a perfect spiral that grew bigger the closer it came. 

Oh my gosh, it was coming right at me.

I covered my face, preparing for the bruise of a lifetime. I knew Gabe had a strong arm, he was the quarterback of the winning junior league team back in the day. And since he's been going to the gym almost four times a week, doing IM5 training stuff, there's no doubt his arm boosted in size.

Cole laughed, “I got you, I wouldn’t let anything hurt you.” I took my hands away from my face only to see the football resting in his hands.

"But, but, it was coming right at me."

“Nice catch, man. So you’ve guys have been spending a lot of time together, do you ever get sick of each other?” Gabe asked, as Cole passed it back to him.

“Just because I get tired of you, it doesn't mean I get tired of Cole too.” I teased.

Gabe laughed, “I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to Cole. And Erin?” I shot him a look, daring him to say it. "I've been tired of you." I gasped, he did not just say that. Once he turned his back towards us, Cole passed me the water gun he hid behind the tree. I aimed it at Gabe's back and shot, his white shirt now see through. 

We both got up and shot whenever they came close to us. “Are you sick of me now? Huh? Huh?” I asked him as I continuously sprayed him in the face. He grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder, “Not so strong are you now, huh Erin?” He asked, laughing.

“Put her down or someone gets hurt!” Cole yelled in a deep voice. I laughed as I tried to break free from Gabe’s grasp. “You heard the man, you don’t wanna get hurt, do you?”

Just then, I felt something cold spray me in the back. I glanced at Cole, he didn’t have the water gun in his hand but he sure was soaked. "How could you have given the weapon to our enemy?" I hissed.

He shrugged and looked at Gabe and Dalton. "You leave me no choice!”

He launched multiple water balloons at Gabe, and he caved a few balloons later. I quickly ran back over to Cole. “One more step and you guys are dead.” I said, smiling.

My gun was pointed at Gabe, as Cole aimed his water balloons at Dalton. They didn’t dare make another step, but then Dalton decided to be a badass and spray me. I shot at him with one hand and threw balloons with the other. When some of the balloons refused to pop, Gabe picked them up and cracked them on my head like an egg. I hated the feeling of the latex balloon popping on my leg, or any of my body parts for that matter. When I ran out of ammo, I ran to the side of his house and grabbed the power weapon. The hose. I sprayed everyone, including Cole. Cole laughed as he grabbed the hose from me and drenched me from head to toe. 

"Wait, give it to me. Let me do something cool." I said and he passed it to me. I turned the nozzle and pointed it upwards. Little droplets of water came down like rain although the sun was fully out, with no clouds in sight. 

“Okay, truce.” Gabe finally said. We all put our weapons down and had our arms up in surrender.

“Dalton, you look like a raccoon.” Cole stated. Dalton felt under his eye and there was black eyeliner dripping from his face. He looked like he was crying, but his tears were black….creepy. He slapped two hands on each side of his face and let out a piercing scream. 

Cole, Gabe and Dalton took off their shirts so they could squeeze the water out of them. I would’ve done the same but, I’m a girl…that’d be a whore move right there. I just squeezed the water out of my hair, and then my shirt…but without taking it off. I glanced over at the guys and couldn't help but notice they all had the bodies of a model. Especially Gabe and Cole. They were freaking ripped.

“Gabriel, did you find out what you’re planning on wearing to the banquet tomorrow night?” Mrs. Morales asked, breaking me out of my trance. “Yeah, it’s hanging in my closet.” He said, jumping to get the water out of his ears. “And what about you two boys, do you have your clothes ready?” 

“Yes ma’am.” They both said in unison.

“Okay, well make sure to dry up before you go inside.” She added before she closed the door.

“Oh, that reminds me.” Cole said, walking over to me.

Still without a shirt, I might add.

“They’re having a banquet for the band tomorrow, the other two are landing tomorrow morning. We’re all allowed a guest or date, will you be mine?”

I went on my tiptoes and ran my hand through his wet hair, “That depends, am I going as your guest? Or your date?” I asked teasingly. “Date, of course.” He smiled, leaning towards me.

Oh my gosh, we were about to have our first kiss. I closed my eyes and felt a smile creep on my face. Before I could feel his lips on mine, I felt a rush of water smacking me in the back. 

“Oops sorry, I was just checking if it was on…” Gabe said awkwardly, putting the hose back on the rack.

“What’s going on out here?” I turned and saw Mel standing by the door with an amused look on her face.

“You missed the fight of a lifetime.” I said, taking a step away from Cole. He took a step back too, scratching the back of his head. I’m guessing we weren’t gonna share our first kiss after all. Stupid Gabe.

Wait, I had an idea.

“Hey Gabe, didn’t you need to ask Mel something?” He looked at me confusedly, “I did?” I rolled my eyes and mouthed, “the banquet!”. I knew Dalton was probably going to ask her to go with him, but I had to make sure Gabe beat him to it. “Uhm…well there’s this banquet for the band tomorrow and we’re all allowed a—”

“Date!” I interrupted before he could say ‘guest’, that’d just make Mel feel awkward.

He continued, “Yeah, we’re all allowed a date…do you wanna go with me?” Her face lit up and I was instantly the best best friend in the world. “Yeah, of course.” She said, smiling.

Everything was finally falling into place.


or is it? 

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