There's a First Time for Everything.

Start from the beginning

I narrowed my eyes at him, “I could just tell you how every other dance has gone for me, I don’t really think that going with you and showing you is the easiest way.”

He laughed, laughed loudly and I hit him in the chest, stepping away from him, “Look Wendy Bird, I’m asking you because I want to go with you okay.”

I raised an eyebrow skeptically, “I know that it's amazing that someone with this bod,” he gestured to his body and I snorted making him grin, “Wants to go with their best friend, but I do, I want to go with you.”

I looked at him, straight in the eyes, wanting to really know the truth and all I could see there was sincerity. Slowly, very slowly, I nodded and he grinned at me. I raised a finger at him and narrowed my eyes, “One condition.”

He nodded, and I smiled, “No asking what my last task is.” He opened his mouth to protest but I raised my eyebrows at him showing I was serious. He nodded slowly and I smiled, “Good, now all you have to do is find a green tie.”

I walked away towards the girls and he yelled, catching up to me, “What color green?”

I turned and walked backwards for a moment before answering, “The color of your eyes would do.”

So now here I was, staring at myself in my floor length mirror at two in the afternoon on the day of prom, wondering what in the name of all that is holy, got me into this dress. It was beautiful and the little silver heels I wore with it were perfect. The girls were coming over early so we could all get ready and they should be here rig—

“Wendy love! Are you ready for us?” Fran shrieked up the stairs.

I turned, a grimace on my face when they burst through the door. They all stopped talking the moment they saw me and then there was a flurry of movement and color and they had themselves attached to me.

Smiling I turned to the mirror again and they all ‘awweeed’. I huffed out a breath and Sam grabbed my hand, her yellow eyes warm, “What’s wrong?”

I shrugged, “Remind me why I’m going to prom again?”

Harriet rolled her eyes at me, “Cause Oliver and Junie made you.”

I smiled and Sam added, “And because Adrian asked you.”

I rolled my eyes, “Go change I feel weird being the only one like this.”

They all scurried around the room changing. All I could see around myself in the mirror was clothes flying and bags being tossed until after a few minutes of squealing the three of them were standing around me, looking into the mirror.

Sam was wearing a cute yellow dress that matched her contacts, something she always insisted on when wearing a nice dress.

Fran was wearing a cute little purple halter dress. Purple was her favorite color and she would not get a dress any other color.

Harriet was wearing a silver dress that reached the floor and hugged her figure. It brought out her red hair even more by the contrast.

“We look gorgeous.” I whispered.

They all nodded enthusiastically and then Sam clapped impatiently, “Time to get ready.”

We changed out of our dresses and into button up shirts and gym shorts.

“I’m in charge of make-up!” Fran bellowed and none of us objected.

“Then I’ll be in charge of jewelry.” Harriet nodded.

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