Let's Make a Date.

Start from the beginning

He sighed and shook his head saying calmly, “No, I didn’t.”

He was lying, I just knew it, I could tell, my jaw dropped, “You did! I can’t believe you did! This isn’t a game Adrian—”

Suddenly he cut me off angrily, “Except that’s all that it is Wendy!” He threw his hands up in the air and the few students that were at their lockers scurried away, afraid of his outburst, “It is a game, especially to you! Did you ever think that by asking a guy on a date you would hurt someone in the process?” He hit the locker next to mnie and turned around quickly, “You could really hurt someone’s feelings. What if the guy you ask really likes you,” He turned back around to me and looked at me with pleading eyes, “And he finds out you ask him just because you needed a convenient body this month.”

“Ah, I see what this is.” I said quietly, my fingers limp, the book falling out of my hand, hitting the ground with a loud snap.

“What are you talking about?” He growled ignoring the book that had fallen.

“You’re mad that I asked you for my first task. That I just used you, you’re mad and now you’re finally telling me.” I stated plainly.

There was silence so deafening the bell for third period went off and he just stared at me, “I never regretted you asking me.”

I shook my head, “This isn’t about regret, this is about feeling used, you know how it feels and you don’t like that. You don’t want me to use someone else.”

He closed his eyes, “Yes, that’s it.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes, realizing that i wasn't right, he was just giving in, “No it’s not, but I’ll live with that explanation for now. Until you feel like I’m worth a real one.”

I bent down and picked up his book, stacking it with my own. With my free hand I grabbed his left hand and led him to Calculus class.

I handed him his book and smiled at him, “Let’s go learn some stuff.”

He gave me half-hearted smile and I opened the door, waiting for the reprimand our teacher was about to give us.

February 14, 2012

“Harriet, your parents are rich, right?” I inquired as we sat down at the lunch table.

“Yes.” She answered unsurely.

“So if I murdered you for say, asking Kyle Rolands to go on a date with me, do you think they would buy you a nice coffin or just put the few remaining pieces into a jar?” I questioned sweetly so she glared at me. Fran snorted into her pudding and Sam was looking down at her phone, eyes wide, teeth working on her lower lip, trying to stop herself from laughing.

“You did what?” Fran hiccupped loudly causing half of the cafeteria to look at her weirdly.

“She asked that pompous argh, I can't even say his name! To go on a date with me.” I growled through clenched teeth.

Sam chuckled, “I don’t think argh is an actual name or thing Wendy.”

I glared at her, “That’s not the point, the point is she asked for me and I really didn’t want to ask him.”

Harriet rolled her eyes and pointed an accusatory finger at me, “We all know who you really want to ask, but you won’t and you’re not going to, so I took it upon myself to ask for you.”

“But Harriet its Valentine’s day, I really don’t want to go out tonight especially with a guy I don’t really like.” I whispered, whining to her.

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