Chapter 33-It's All Downhill From Here.....Literally

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Can I help you?" The doctor asks in a rather stern tone.

"I'm here to see Liam Payne. I'm his girlfriend and the mother of his child. I was told that he's allowed family visitors and that there can only be two visitors at the most with him during visiting hours," I explain.

"We need to get some minor checkup tests done right now but if you wait in that chair over there," the doctor replies as he points to a small metal chair over on the other side of the room, "you can go see him once we're done."

"How is he right now?" I ask.

"Health wise? He's hanging in there. His heart rate is just above the average. His breathing seems to be fine."

"Do you know how this happened?"

"Well, from the looks of the pictures that were sent to us," he begins before he hands me the police pictures from the scene, causing me to gasp in shock, "looks like some lunatic tried to run him off the road. He was driving along the highway and some person apparently slammed into the left side of his car, shoving him over, off the side of the road, and down a rather steep hill. The car that shoved him over got away. All that we know is that right after Liam and his car finally stopped rolling, the only sound that was heard was the sound of screeching tires. That kid over there is damn lucky to be alive right now. No broken bones or anything. He's just severely banged up badly."

Oh my god.......

No words can describe how I'm feeling right now. Liam was supposed to be dead, but I bet he's holding on for the baby and I. Seeing him like this is just making me worry about him even more. I guess this just shows how much I care for him. Feeling as though my legs are gonna give out right now from all this drama I decide to go sit in the chair and wait patiently. This couldn't have been an accident. Someone had to know that that was Liam in his sister's car. It couldn't have actually been an accident, well, it could, but I assume that if it was the person that hit Liam would've stayed at the scene and called the police instead of a bystander.

About five minutes pass until the doctor reproaches me and tells me that I can go see him.

"Be very careful. He's extremely delicate right now and I'm sure you don't wanna hurt him anymore than he already it," the doctor whispers once I get up and out of the chair with his help.

At least if I go into labor right now I'm in a hospital.........

I sneak over to the far corner of the room to find the same curtain blocking Liam's bed once again. I slowly pull the curtain away, revealing a very beat up Liam. I cover my mouth and gasp in shock at the sight of him. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes, but I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. I'm gonna stay strong for Liam, or at least I'm gonna try to. My eyes grow wide at all the cuts and bruises that he has on his arms and legs. Oh my poor baby. He has a black eye too. Oh god this is bad.......

He appears to be asleep. I walk over to the right side of his hospital bed and just stand by his side, seeing if he'll wake up. I gently tug his arm gently, trying to get some movement out of him. When I notice his eyes flutter open, a big smile spreads across my face now that I know he's alright.

"Hi Liam. It's me, Liz," I whisper gently into his ear.

"Who?" He asks.

"It's me, Liz. Your girlfriend and the mother of your child."

"I don't have a girlfriend," he faintly mumbles.

Oh my god what the hell is wrong with him?!?

"Yes you do. And you have a child too. See," I tell him as I point to my humongous baby bump.

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें