Sneaky love

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So out of school because of the's okay! No cavities! I thinking about managing a schedule! what do you think?

Disclaimer: I do not own warriors


1 moon later

Firestar's P.O.V

 It was night. My smile was hidden in the shadows as I look down at the sleeping Sandstorm.  Her tan flank rising and falling, that tan pelt I once thought was beautiful and magnificent now I only see it as another color among the rest. 'Gray...That is the color I find beautiful and worthy of my love.' I think. I carefully step over her sleeping body and head to the place where that color will finally show.  I nod to the guard, who gives me a confused look before shrugging and continuing to watch the night.

I walk at a brisk pace, trying to refrain from running to the spot that brings me joy. My paws move faster against my consent and before I know it I arrive. I smile and stay in the shadows, eyes looking out for the one cat that could make all my emotions rage. 

Cinderpelt's P.O.V

 I lay on my side, staring out the mouth of my den. My brother was with his newly made warrior mate, Rosethorn. She was sitting vigil as much as she made the gestures for him to leave and go lie down  he didn't. Thornclaw stays firm and watches her, green eyes filled with pride. He slightly moves closer. Rosethorn tries to stay firm, mix- match eyes looking at him. She finally breaks and stands. She walks to his side, silently and lays by his side. Thornclaw rasps his tongue over her head and purrs. I sigh at the happy mates. I stands and stretch before heading out. I wink at Thornclaw on the way causing him to duck his head, slightly.

I softly laugh before heading out the cave. I walk towards the Thunderclan boundary.  My tail swishes left to right.  My ears prick at any sound or movement in the mostly silent night. My eyes shoot from shadow to shadow, feeling of being watched takes over. I breath outward and go sit down. My nerves on edge. I shriek when a body leaps on me. I thrash under them till I hear an all too familiar laugh.

"Hello Cinderpelt." A deep smooth voice says. 

No one's P.O.V

 Cinderpelt huffs at Firestar who has a amused and happy look. He steps off the annoyed she-cat and continues to laugh. Cinderpelt stands and shakes out her pelt, grumbling. Firestar steps forward and presses his nose to her, purring. His brilliant green gaze glowing with happiness. He licks her cheek and softly pushes her to the ground. Cinderpelt squeals but purrs as he lays down with her. He rests his head on her flank and purrs as she starts cleaning him. His eyes looking at the soft and beautiful gray fur of the she-cat. 

"Your color is so...beautiful..." He purrs and looks at her. Cinderpelt softly blushes, seen easily against her grey coat. She looks at the tom who she loves and smiles. 

"Not as beautiful as yours." She says, licking his nose. He purrs stands and pins her. She gasps as he does. His emerald eyes devious. He leans and licks her neck, purring softly. She closes her eyes in bliss. His tail intertwines with hers. He goes to lick her neck again when a outraged screech is heard. Firestar's head jerks up and he sees Sandstorm.

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