The dreams

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Disclaimer: I do not own warriors


Cinderpelt's P.O.V

It's been day's since I have allow Firestar to be the leader. He was worry though, he feels that I deserve it. He's a worrywart and I have nothing against him. It's the dreams that are killing me. They have been coming every night since the talk with Bluestar. They plague me everywhere I go I want to tell any cat so bad but I fear that if they know their safety is in stake. The dreams always go like this...


I wake up in the Thunderclan. The cats around me walk as if i'm not there I get up and follow the closes cat. It is always Sandstorm. She pads to Firestars den and he looks at her with love. He has yet to notice the malice glistening in her eyes.

"I notice you have been around her more than you need" She hisses. Firestar's love filled eyes drain and he blankly stares at her. That's when I see that the love in his eyes were fake from the beginning.

"She deserves me more than you do" He spat.

"Its fine you won't see her again" she then lunges and bites Firestar's neck. He struggling but the element of surprise is deadly. He dies with in moments. The scene dies away and I see a fire. It was blazing bright till sand was thrown on it. It dies and lies in a small flicker. It was then cinder that was thrown on the fire it blazes to life. I see a gray she cat but can't get a good look at her. She hi tails it to Firestar's den and...the dream ends

It does this every night. The thing that scares me is that Firestar dies. It must have to happen seeing that I used to be a medicine cat. It is a vision it has to be. I avoid Firestar in hopes that my vision doesn't come true. I take every option to leave the cave. When me and Firestar talk guilt seizes me as he looks at me with love. My fur heat up and I clam up. He doesn't notice because I get up and leave with a lame excuse. I sigh as I let my mind wander around all this, I once again ran from Firestar. I yowl when someone pins me to the ground.

I flip over and go limp making the cat believe I was too weak to overcome it. A purr of amusement makes me look.

"Cinderpelt why didn't you just take a smell of the air?" A rich voice asks. Only one cat can make me feel warm inside.

"Firestar?" I question. I open one eye and see the orange flame like fur over me. He maneuvers himself off me and sits down on his haunches. I roll and stand up shaking the dirt from my coat. I look him in the eyes and immediately notice that his green eyes weren't shining like emeralds but was a dull green.

"Cinderpelt do you still love me?" He suddenly asks. I recoil an try to catch his eyes. He keeps his gaze staring at the ground. I sigh and walk closer to him. My coat brushes his and he lifts his gaze a bit.

"Yes I love you" I meow. My heart throbs and I think about what has been going through his head each day I left him at the cave. I lick his neck fur and purr the loudest I can. He looks at me and places his nose on mine. When he touches my nose the environment changes. All around us are cats fighting blood was shed. The one that caught my attention is a orange tom. He fought with a sandy color she cat. The she cat kills the tom in a lunge and bite to the neck.

I screech and yank away from Firestar. The vision still fresh in my mind. I look at him and gasp as I see teeth marks in his neck. Firestar wore a face of confusion and sadness.

"Cinderpelt what is it?"He asks. I shake my head and whimper. My fur stood on end the bite marks ooze blood. I rush forward and try to lick the wound clean make the blood go away. I lick furiously tears pushing in my eyes.

"Don't die please!" I wail. Firestar steps back and its gone. It was like it wasn't there. I couldn't hold the dam back. I collapse to the ground. I spilled it all to him.


Unknown P.O.V

It's done they are born. Soon my dear Firestar soon...

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