Enter Squirrelpaw

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So yea enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own warriors

Unknown P.O.V

  I practice on the training dummy and growl in hate. I picture a gray she-cat before attacking it harder. My mother has once again tried to kill father. This time he fought back. He threatened that if she tries again he will kill her. I myself would take pleasure killing her myself. She told me the other day that she has a plan to kill the she-cat that took away my real father. She said that even though we have Blackstar's blood in me he will never be my father. I don't listen to a word that she cat says. I only want to kill the she cat that has made my mother this way. I hate her but I can't help but wish she was fixed not broken. Leafpaw, my sister has fought her. She is the oldest she is ambitious, hard headed and adventurous. I am the same except she doesn't hold the burning hate for this mystery she cat.

  "Squrrielpaw! It's time to hunt" Leafpaw yowls at me. I nod and race after her. 'soon'

Cinderpelt's P.O.V

  I sneeze while telling who will be hunting. Flameclaw looks at me in concern. 

  "Are you okay?" He asks.

  "Fine some cat must be talking about me" I meow. "Okay Flameclaw, Graystripe, Cloudtail and Graystone will be the hunting patrol" I announce. All the toms nod and stand after they gather in the front they head out. I look at my three warriors who were coming in with their own prey. My chest fills with pride as they lug in big rabbits or plump squirrels. 

  "-pelt...-derpelt...CINDERPELT!" Firestar yells. I snap out of my trance and look at him.

  "Yes?" I ask.

  "I was saying should we start using patrols?" He asks.

  "No, my clan has been hidden and since you didn't disclose the location no cat can find us" I meows, confidently. Firestar's eyes flicker before he nods uneasily. I sigh and look up at the sky. "Do you want to run?" I ask Firestar. He looks at me with a small smile. He nods. 

  "Me and Cinderpelt is going out I place Emeraldsky in charge" Firestar announces. The clan nods in agreement seeing as Emeraldsky was just like me when it came to leading the clan.

"What but i'm older!" We hear as we walk out the entrance. We look at each other before pelting out. I ran at his side for a moment before pulling ahead. He gives a hiss of frustration before running faster pulling in front of me. I laugh and push harder we ran side to side, laughing. I ran with a smile happy to feel the wind on my fur. We skid to a stop at a big pine tree. I lean against it and pant in exhaustion. 

  "You have grown more then I thought Cinderpelt" Firestar comments. I smile for a slight moment before continueing to pant. I lay down on the ground Firestar joining me. He entwines our tails.

  "I miss running and having fun" I whisper. He nods pressing his nose to my shoulder. His hot breath ruffling the fur there. I purr when he gives my shoulder a lick.

  "This is what happens when you have responsibility" Firestar mumbles. I sigh and give another purr as he head butts my side softly. He chuckles as my hind foot starts kicking when he licks a part behind my ear. I blush, embarrassed.

  "Firestar I...I have a bad feeling about Sandstorm" I meow quietly. He looks at me in shock before his green eyes darken.

  "She...She can't get us now Cinderpelt" He says finally. I sigh and drop my head.

  "I hope your right" I meow. Firstar doesn't reply he simply rests his head on top of mine. I start to doze of when Firestar suddenly stands. He stretches before nipping my neck.

  "We have a clan to lead" He chuckles as I bat him away so I can sleep. He picks my up by my scruff and places me on his back. I hiss and squeal when he starts walking I hold onto him tightly he chuckles loudly. I glare at the back of his head. When we enter the clan they all snicker at me. My kits look at us before busting out laughing. They run before leaping on us. I yelp as Grayfur lands on me. Firestar legs buckles making us all fall in a heap of fur and claws. It is these days I look on when I remember my happy family. Who knew that one of us would die in a rage of hate?

Sandstorm's P.O.V

Squrrielpaw is turning out good. Soon she will finish what I started. Cinderpelt watch out because here I come. 

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