"Jaxon thinks you're his girlfriend" he said and I smiled. "He's adorable" I said.

"Jazzy really likes you too, Im glad everyone does" he said.

"Does your mom like me?"

"Baby dont be silly, she loves you" he said and I smiled. "Well thats good.." I closed my eyes as I listened to the engines of the plane.

"I love you" he said just as I started drifting off to sleep. These few days were tiring.

"I love you more" I said before falling asleep, my head still on his shoulder.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Home" I sighed with content as I walked into my house.

Justin carried in my suitcase and went upstairs, putting it in my room before coming back down and I went and sat on the couch. He sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap, kissing the side of my head as his arms wrapped around my waist.

I sighed.

"Baby? You okay?" he asked.

"I just miss Nicole. She was my bestest friend and now its all just gone. Matthew too" I said. "Aw..the excitement of the past few days is gone and now you're overthinking again" he said and I shrugged. "I guess so. It never really left my mind though" I said.

It was basically 3 weeks now since I've talked to her.

I didnt want to go into the New Year without her or Matthew. We were all close and good friends, but Justin and I just had to go and fall in love.

"What do you want to do for New years?" he asked. "Well..my plans included Matt and Nicole so.."

"Why dont you just go over to her place and talk things out?" I looked at him.

"Babe..she's pissed at me. She called me a backstabber" I sighed. "She wont want to fix things even if I went over there. She'd probably kick me out.." I said.

"Isnt it worth a try though?" he asked. He was probably right. I groaned. "Fine..I'll go" I said and got up. He got up and walked to the door with me.

"I'll be at my place and just pack my suitcase out and stuff and give my parents a call" he said and I nodded as we walked out. We walked on the sidewalk and I watched Justin go into his house and I continued walking to Nicole's house.

I took a few breaths before knocking on the door.

The door opened and I could literally hear my heart hammering in my chest.



We looked at each other for a few seconds before she suddenly hugged me and tears started going down my face.

"Cassidy Im so so sorry, oh my god I was such a bitch to you" she said, still hugging me. "No Nicole, what you did was right, I was the bitch" she pulled away and she had tears going down her cheeks too.

"I missed you so much, everytime something happened I wanted to pick up the phone and call you but then I'd remember we're not friends anymore.." she said and I nodded. "Me too.."

"Are we still friends?"

"No" I said and she looked at me confused.

"We're sisters" I said and she smiled.

"Come in, I want you to meet someone" she said and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the house and I saw the whole place was still pink from all the decorations.

I saw a guy was sitting on the couch and I raised an eyebrow.

"Cassidy, this is Alex, Alex, meet my best friend Cassidy" she said and he got up.

"Nice to meet you" he smiled and got up, holding out his hand and I shook his hand. He had an accent, he must be spanish or portuguese or something. But he was sure hot too, but in no way compared to my Justin.

"He's the baby daddy" she said.

Yup, their kid is going to be a Taylor Lautner or Zac Efron lookalike. Basically a perfect looking person because Nicole was already gorgeous and Alex wasnt too bad himself.

"Nice to meet you" I said to him and he smiled. "He's gonna move in here and help support with the baby" she said as we sat down.

"I'm really happy for you Nicole" I smiled as held his hand and he looked at her. "Him and I just..click" she said and he kissed her cheek.

"I invited him to Bora Bora and he came so he also met my parents. I explained the situation to them and they were surprisingly excited" she said and it sounded like she didnt even believe it herself. "Wow really?" I asked and she nodded. "They've been wondering when I'd get a steady boyfriend and have a kid" she said. All her siblings were 5, 4 and 2 years older than her, and they all already had a kid and the oldest son had 2 kids.

"And you went to Canada with Justin right?" she asked and I nodded slowly. "Dont be scared to talk about him Cassidy, I've thought about it and honestly Justin's the best for you, I dont want anything but the best guy for my best friend otherwise I'll kick him in the balls" she said and Alex and I laughed.

For a while we talked about alot, how they're going to turn one of the smaller rooms into the baby's room, how Alex would be fully moved in by New Years so he can look after Nicole during the pregnancy and of course after as well.

"Oh yeah, do you guys have plans for New Years?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Great because I was thinking we all have a barbeque at my place" I said and Nicole smiled. "That sounds perfect" she said. "You can also meet Justin" she said to Alex and he nodded.

"Oh and um..how's Matthew?" she asked.

"Not a word" I said. "Oh Im sorry" she said and I shrugged. "Its fine, we'll all have a blast on New Years" I smiled and she nodded.

I was really glad Nicole and I sorted things out.

Everything was just falling into place.



I am so sorry for not updating but I havent had wifi in ages and been really busy!!

Posting the last part right after this one.


Much love xx

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