"Pleasure to meet you both," I replied, trading pleasantries.

"It seems to me you have arrived just in time for the grand feast," the Queen smiled kindly at me.

They left through a doorway and once again, I followed, and ended up in a ballroom with a very long table laden with seafood delicacies. The room was also filled with merpeople who all took their seats when the King and Queen arrived. A special seat was reserved for me beside the Queen, though it was not as nice as the King and Queen's. Still it was comfortable. At once the feast began, and I filled my plate with fish. It was all prepared nicely and surprisingly hot. It was wonderful food, but I would always prefer food from land, just how I am.

"So tell us, how is it that such a young girl is Alpha of Alphas?" the Queen asked curiously, I guess I can't go without people questioning me of my power.

I felt comfortable here, like no one would judge, "Well, I'm a Hybrid."

"Well, that explains it all, I guess. Now tell us, what kind of Hybrid are you," the King demanded to know, as if excited to know.

"Werecat, vampire, shapeshifter, and witch."

"It's rare to find a Hybrid. It's such a silly law that bans Hybrids from existence. Fortunately, Some Hybrids can find escape here, where no one even dreams to pursuit, or can't even at all. Even I myself and the Queen are Hybrids, and here, all forms of Hybrids are welcome to stay with us," the King told me.

"In my pack, there's three other Hybrids, and my mate is also Hybrid. Though, what kind of Hybrids are you two?"

"Mermaid and shape-shifter, and my husband is half demon, and half merman."

"Well that's a very interesting combination," I told them politely.

"It is, and it will be even more interesting when my child is born," the Queen stated, "In fact, that is why the feast is being held today."

"Well, congratulations, to the both of you. Do you know if its a boy or a girl yet?"

"A little boy. A mermaid can always predict the gender of her children. Comes in handy quite often."

"Sounds like good news. Figured out what his name will be?"

"Poseidon, after the Greek god of the sea," the Queen told me as she rubbed her belly.

Only just now did I realize there was a baby bump, and that the Queen radiated with a glow. She literally faintly glowed, and if a person didn't pay enough attention, they would never realized that she glowed.

"Well, when he is born, someone will have to notify me, because I would love to meet him face to face," I smiled to them, liking that I could relate to them about being a Hybrid.

"We most certainly will. Though, I'd like to ask a favor," the King questioned.


"When he is old enough, could you take him as an apprentice for a year and train him to fight like a warrior."

"Sure, I'd love to. It'll be a nice experience to have an apprentice to train, especially the prince of the sea," I said excitedly, "and I'll have to visit as often as I can, and maybe even bring other Hybrids with me to meet you guys."

"Sure thing, we'd love to meet your people."

After the feast was over, I had to head home as it was getting early in the morning and the sky had started to get a rosy color. Upon leaving, I promised the King and Queen I would visit as often as possible and to bring other Hybrids with me to meet them. They were nice people, and were very friendly. I was happy that in the future I would get an apprentice to train.

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