Chapter 20- Tammi's Little Bundles of Joys

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"Yes. I don't want you guys to get heat stroke." Tori and Danni ran upstairs to put on their bathing suits. Nora ran to Tammi to get hers and then changed in my bathroom. Tammi and I went upstairs to get the quadruplets because she had bought them a little kiddie pool that they could sit in. When we went into their room they were all awake. Tammi picked up Noah and Devin while I got Spencer and Lacie. We brought them dowstairs where we found Tori,Danni and Nora in their bathing suits waiting for us to come down the stairs. Nora was holding Tori who had a scrape on her knee.

"Tori what happened?"I gasped.

"I was running around and then I fell on my knee. It hurt a lot mama. I cried and cried but then cuzzy Nora came and she helped me up." Tori cried. I handed Spencer and Lacie to Lucas while I grabbed Tori and brought her outside. I had my bathing suit on as well so, I went in the pool with the girls, while Tammi put the quads in the kiddie pool one at a time. Lucas and Nathan were inside watching the football game. I heard the doorbell and next thing I knew Ky was running outside. The day carried on and Tammi's stomach kept hurting so we told her to get some rest so she did. We finally all went to bed and later in the night something happened.

"Ow,Ow,Ow,OWWWW!!"Tammi screamed while we were driving to the hospital.

"I know it hurts Tam but just keep taking deep breaths." I exclaimed driving as fast as I could. Lucas stayed home with the kids while Nathan drove in his car because he was still sleeping when Tammi started having contractions.

"Who,Who,he,he,who,who,he,he."Tammi started making random noises. We pulled up to the hospital and Tammi stood there while I grabbed the nearest wheelchair in the parking lot. I wheeled her into the hospital doors where I met a different doctor from mine Dr. Stanley who told me to wheel her into the operating room where she would probably have to have a c-section. Nathan met up with us, but Tammi was already in the operating room so I told him just to go on in. Lucas came into the hospital with Nora. She sat on my lap and just slept cuddled up to my chest for about half an hour before they told us that we could go in. Lucas picked up Nora because she was still sleepy and brought her into the room. Tori,Danni,Lacie,Spencer,Devin and Noah were all going to sleepover grandmas house and so was Nora after she saw her new siblings.

>>>>Tammi's POV<<<<

"Nath?" I asked.

"Yeah?"He responded.

"What are we going to name our baby boys?" I asked.

"I don't know. What names did you have in mind?"

"I like Thomas, Zachary, Dale, Blake, Jeffery, and Bennett."

"Ok. Out of your list I like Thomas, Zachary and Bennett. I have in mind Charles, Eric, Austin,Alexander,and Justin."

" Um, I like Thomas Charles Peterson and Austin Zachary Peterson. Do you like those?" I asked. I really hoped he did because when even we were trying to think of names for Nora because we didn't want to know the sex of her, I had my heart set on those names.

"Yes! Absolutely yes!" He exclaimed with joy. Nora, Alana and Lucas walked in. Nora was being carried by Lucas and she just stared at me with a blank expression. Her nose was red like she had been crying and her face was pale.

"Nora sweetie, come meet your new baby..." She cut me off.

"No! I don't wanna meet them! I wanna be an only child!" Nora yelled and then stormed out of the room. Alana followed after her while I sat there holding Thomas crying. I can't believe my daughter just yelled that to me. I thought she would have liked having little siblings because she loves Victoria and Daniella. I guess I was wrong. Nathan went after Nora and came in holding her. Nora was crying so loudly it woke up Austin in his bassinet. He cried and cried until I finally got him out of his crib wiping away my tears. I had Thomas in one hand and Austin in the other. Nora approached us slowly. Apparently Nathan had talked to her. Nora walked over to her baby brothers and placed a kiss on both of their foreheads.

"Hello Tommy, Austy. I'm your big sister Nora. But you can call me Nor or Nory." She told them. I cried with tears of joy knowing that my daughter had finally grown fond of her baby brothers. Nora carefully place Austin and Thomas in their bassinet. She climbed up on the bed with me and cuddled up to me. She slept for a little while and then Alana and Lucas took her to Grandmas. She said goodbye to everyone even her baby brothers. It was now 9:30 at night and Nora was well rested. She wouldn't sleep now until another 2 hours or so. I was tired and hurting. I closed my eyes. I felt Nathan lay down beside me but that was it and then I was out like a light.

(Pic is of Tammi)

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