Chapter 17 - Awake and Alive

Start from the beginning

Finally, I skipped outside, feeling invigorated and refreshed. I dashed down the spiral staircase that wound around the tree trunk, sighing contently when I finally felt the soft earth between my toes. I felt as if I could sing! I didn't know where to go first. Perhaps to see my friends I had left behind, or Haldir, or my home, or the little secret pool that I used to sneak off to to swim in. The golden forest I had missed so terribly was now at my finger tips, but oddly enough, all I wanted to do was find the Fellowship.

Who was I kidding.

I wanted to find Legolas.

I started walking back towards the centre of the forest, knowing my mother would have put the Fellowship into one of the guest houses. I revelled in the sights.

The early Autumn light which covered the city like molten amber had turned the leaves clear and golden. The floor was covered in silver roots and fragrant tufts of grass, but in Spring it would all be golden too as the leaves fell to blanket the floor. The trunks were like silvery sentinels, smooth and grey and wise with the knowledge of a forest. No blemish, sickness or deformity could be seen in anything that grew upon the earth. The only beauty that could compare to Lothlorien in the day was Lothlorien at twilight.

I followed a lightly worn path through the Mallorn trees, passing elves I had known my whole life. I stopped to talk to a baker, renown for his Lembas, and to an ancient blacksmith, who was the master of all smithing. Finally, I heard the light laughter of the little hobbits, followed by the bellowing mirth of Gimli. Following the sounds, I came upon Pippin, Sam, Gimli, Aragorn and Boromir, all laughing heartily at a story Merry was recounting.

At the sight of me they all jumped up and ran to me, hugging me, saying how glad they were to see me up and about. I couldn't help laughing at their surprise, and it gave me a warm feeling all over. We all sat back down so Merry could finish his story and so I could eat some breakfast, kindly provided by Sam.

Softly, I asked Aragorn where Legolas and Frodo were, and he told me that Legolas was out by the Anduin and Frodo was with my mother. Thanking him, I silently rose and walked off, trying to attract no attention to my departure.

The Anduin was a crystalline, twisting river that wound around Lorien and then rushed off towards Fangorn and and Rohan. It slowed around Lorien, becoming quiet and tranquil, reflecting the auric of the golden leaves into the water so it looked like living gold. I found Legolas standing under a willow tree, looking out across the water.

"Legolas." I whispered, trying not to startle him. It didn't work. He jumped and then laughed, shaking his head at me.

"You know, no one has ever been able to sneak up on me before." He laughed, turning away from the river and towards me.

"Except, perhaps, a cave troll?" I replied cheekily, raising my eyebrows. He let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes.

"Well in my defence I was a bit distracted!" He retorted, causing me to burst out laughing. He smiled warmly at me. "I'm glad you're better, Faervel, now I can stop worrying about you, at least for a little while." He said more seriously. I scoffed at him.

"You don't need to worry about me! It's you who I need to worry about! Honestly, the only time I have ever seriously hurt myself have been in the last month and thats because I was either saving Frodo from a big fish and you from a small giant!" I huffed. "It's hard work!" Legolas was shaking his head again, smiling slightly.

"I didn't even need your help, I had it all under control! That troll was a piece of cake..." He couldn't hold in his laughter and it burst out then, and I laughed too. I smacked him lightly on the shoulder and turned away, trying to make myself look angry, but failing miserably.

"So I save you from a ferocious troll, nearly killing myself in the process, and I don't even get a thank you! Hmph!" I put my hands on my hips and glared at him, but he saw through my act. He stepped closer to me, our bodies only centimetres apart, and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. My breathing quickened, my body seemed to react to his like wood to a fire, heating up and lighting up.

"Thank you, Faervel." He whispered, his words filled with emotion and longing. His blue eyes dropped from my gold ones and landed on my lips. His eyes fluttered closed, his lips millimetres from mine. My heart was racing. I was hundreds of years old, and had my fair share of partners, but never had someone made me feel so nervous and excited at the same time.

His lips brushed against mine, softly, carefully, until the kiss deepened. I wound my arms around his neck and his were placed carefully around my waist, pulling me closer. Everything he did was done filled with care and gentleness, but when we broke away, his eyes were bright and his breathing ragged. He looked like he could explode from happiness as a massive grin broke out on his face. I couldn't help smiling too. I felt more alive than I had in over one thousand years.

"You know, I really do like you, Faervel." He whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.

I didn't reply, but kissed him again in agreement.

Pronunciations and Meanings

Aglaron = Ag-lar-on (Means Glory/Brilliance/Splendour (aglar) Male (on))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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