Love and Monsters Andrew Ryan/ Splicer! Reader

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You thought it to be love. However, love didn't turn you into a monster.

He told so many wonderful things. Told you how beautiful you were. Lies. They were all lies. He never loved you.

He only ever used you.

You should've known. How could a man such as he show any affection to someone like you. In your eyes you were average. And in your eyes he was perfect.

He had so much power and so much control.

You thought it was love. No. He turned you into a monster for his own personal gain.

Everything about you had changed. You features, your personality, even your self control.

You knew of all the horrible things he did to everyone. What he did to you. No matter what happened. No matter what he did. You still loved him.

You knew the truth. But, you couldn't stop yourself.

You looked in the mirror everyday. Looking at the deformities. At all the changes he made to you.

You did everything for him, did his dirty work. Listened to him. Even loved him through all of it.

Even in near death experiences he was on your mind.

You remember the day he died. The day you felt everything fall apart.

You remember days after were you looked in the mirror and all you see is him. How he died and how you couldn't protect him.

Very little words were spoken between the two of you.

However, when he spoke to you, you swore you could see love.

Maybe love can turn people into monsters. In turn monsters can love.

And you loved the man in charge. Andrew Ryan.

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