q&a ~answers~

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"ok but seriously Liza or Ashley pick one"

Liza, always

"You fucked up big time Luke, Why did blow up on Liza like that?!"

Man, I don't even know. Too messed up cause my mum got dumped again

"Have you loved Ashley more than you love Liza right now?"

I'm not even sure if I ever loved Ashley, I was so crazy on her case cause she was hot

"are you going to put your mothers happiness before your own even though it would make her happy for you to leave and do something great with your life?"

It's hard for me to leave mum, even more now that two men have left her. I still gotta sit with her and talk it out.

"What do you feel right now? I mean Liza, your mom, the 'baby'..."

Kinda numb, it hasn't kicked in everything yet. Still can't believe Liza hid this from me

"If Liza has a baby, do you have any ideas for a name?"

I don't know, maybe if its a boy we could call him Leo.

"If liza is pregnant, will you be there for her?"

Of fucking course I will, just dunno if she'll let me...

"are you going to end up going to sheffield?"

I wish I could answer this


"If you didn't meet Luke, and is you were forced to who would you date:



Or Calum"

Probably Michael cause we always eat pizza and watch movies together, and he's the king of cuddles.

"Are you actually pregnant, and if so, don't you have faith in Luke and him staying with you even though you'll have a kid?"

I don't know if I'm pregnant cause I still haven't take the test, too nervous/twisted bout it. Let's not talk bout Luke cause I'm still upset even though I love him very much.

"If your pregnant, what baby names would you have in mind?"

I tried my best not to think about this whole situation but if its a girl i'd like to name her after Gammy cause she's got my back since ever. And if its a boy i'd probably let Luke chose it.

"You wanna try it again with Luke? And how are you feeling after what he said?"

Even saying his name makes me cry, can't think about him right now. I have more urgent matters to deal with, like a baby ~possibly~

"If your pregnant will you please tell Luke?"

Let's take one thing at a time, first i gotta know if im pregnant. Dealing with Luke comes later.

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