t w e n t y - t h r e e

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I got dressed and hopped in my car driving towards Ashton's house.

During the drive, it was quite far, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I kept imagining myself in Ashley's place. What if it was me lying on that bed having my own body betraying me to death? What if I had begged her to give up on Luke because I was dying and needed the love of his crystal blue eyes one last time?

I stop the car on the red light and press my forehead against the steering wheel. I can't be this selfish. No when it comes to love. She has fucking nothing beside Luke, I can't take him away from her because if tables were turned I wouldn't want to be kept from him.

The light turned green and before I knew I was driving with tears falling from my eyes. Love is so unfair. I clench my jaw as I park on Ashton's driveway behind Luke's black truck.

I saw Kira getting inside with her arms tangled in Calum's, they looked so happy and so in love. I envy their love because it's easy. There's no dying girl to keep her away from him. I close my eyes again and take a deep breath. I get the make up in the glove compartment and fix what my tears ruined moments ago. I glance to my own face through the little mirror and try to smile but it comes out as a pained face so I give up.

I move my legs towards the door and open it pretending I'm fine. Luke greets me with a beautiful smile on his lips, pecking my lips. I smile back, the kind of half smile that I can trick any human. He takes my hand as we walk towards the kitchen.

I lean against the counter as he grabs a bottle of beer to me. I sip it and watch his face

"You look very gorgeous, babe" he kisses my cheek and runs his hand on my hips

"I know" I smile playfully just waiting for the right moment

"My little cocky kitten" he brushes our noses and pecks my lips "God I love you" he sighs

But I laugh.

He frowns his face and I keep laughing even though I'm crying inside. I sit the bottle on the counter and laugh even harder

"Liza?" he frowns his brows

"You're so pathetic!" I run my pale small hands through my hair, tugging a little behind my ears "You actually thought I was able to fall in love with you" I say still laughing, my insides twitching for me to stop but I can't.

"What are talking about?" he leaves his beer on the counter and crosses his arms

"You made it too easy for me, Robert" I put a brave smirk on my face and keep talking "Tempting me to break you" I run my index finger over his lips "You were so desperate for my love that you let yourself believe I was capable of loving someone, even when I had told you from day one how shallow I am, how I couldn't care about feelings because they're useless"

He looks down not understanding

"It all started at the club, I was telling the truth but then you looked at me so passionately that I couldn't resist but break you" The smirk was tattooed on my face but on the inside I was dying "In the moment I knew what I had to do. I had to move into your heart so I did, I claimed it as my new home, hanged pictures of me all over it, made it smell like my perfume so beautifully just to watch it burn to the ground" My voice didn't seem like my own, but I know this is what I must do

"Liza" he says like a plea, crying from the edge of his eyes "Why?" His hurt blue eyes look at my sad ones

"Can't you see it?" My voice is pitchy "I did it because I can" I smile like I just won the lottery "I'm teaching you a lesson, Robert"

I lean forward and run my hand over his face, he twitches his brows like he's in pain "You made the crucial mistake of looking into my eyes, you should never deliver your heart to someone who has sad eyes"

"Please" he begs hitting his knuckles on the counter crying like I just ripped his heart out of his chest

"I liked you better when you were the school's fuckboy" I smirked laughing, mocking him

"You said you loved me" he wipes the tears off his eyes

"Oh honey" I mock "It was just the right words with the right tone" I smirk once again grabbing my purse on the top of the counter "Next time: avoid the eyes" I put on a half smile and walk away "And please, find some stupid girl who loves you enough to take you back" I turn my heels and walk out of the kitchen

Knowing that my heart is with him no matter what. I don't know if this can be undone but it was the right thing to do.

My friends asked what happened and why was I leaving but I couldn't speak. I collapsed on the minute I closed the door behind me. My body fell on the cold entry of the house, I brought my knees to my chest as I cried.

Doing the right thing hurts.

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