
8.1K 177 58

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to say a few things:

1) What is going on? It's like y'all just ran away from the story, is something wrong or idk? Bc this used to be more crowded...

2) This book is ending, it has precisely 5 more chapters

3) BUT FEAR NO MORE BECAUSE THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL, yes I thought a lot about it and a brilliant idea came and it will be happening,

though I'll only post the sequel next year.... 

4) theres more, I would like to introduce a new character on the sequel, a character created by you guys. So comment here someone made up by yourself, like height, gender, name, what does she/he like, personality and stuff.

I'm v excited a bout it and fyi, the sequel will be at college so..... hope u guys are as happy as I am about it and pleaaaaaase keep voting and commenting, it sucks asking for y'all to do it but sometimes I feel like I'm writing for ghosts and it really brings me down. 

So that's it, the new chapter will be posted tomorrow or on Monday,

xoxo from this cake trash who loves you all so much.

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