Lucy looked from me to Matt and then back to me again.

“Isabella was her?” she asked me, her eyes filling with tears, I nodded. This was going to break her heart and it wasn’t like I was lying anyway.

She turned to Matt, hurt, betrayal, hatred spread across her face, she questioned him with her eyes, he also nodded to her unasked question.

“You said that I’m the only girl you’ve been with for weeks. You also said you didn’t know my sister.” She whispered, she sounded furious. Like she would snap at any moment.

I walked over to Matt’s bed laying down, enjoying the scene in front of me, instead of getting my hands dirty I could just let Lucy murder him.

Matt ran his hand through his blond locks, he was getting impatient. Lucy walked over to Matt and slapped him, his face turned to the side due to the impact. I had to keep the laughter that was building up inside of me, that was threatening to erupt at any second.

Lucy collected her back and ran out the room, down the stairs and out the front door before I could even blink.

I looked over at Matt, he now looked pleased. “What a shame Matt you should have at least invited her to stay for dinner.’ I said with a disapproving voice, sarcasm rich.

“Is that what you call payback?” He asked, he was obviously amused, his lips slowly forming a huge grin. I frowned at his question, I looked at him once more, seeing the excitement in his eyes, damn, I just did his dirty work for him, I let out a frustrated sigh, I beginning to fail on my payback skills.

As if reading my thoughts Matt said, “You’ve lost your touch Scar.”

“Not again.” I groaned.

I knew better, Matt was always looking for an excuse to get rid of his ‘handbags’. I should have thought about it.

Matt made his way to his full length mirror; in all my life I dint know boys actually had those, to examine his cheek, a red mark appearing. he frowned at the mark, an imperfection in his god-like features.

“God, you are so conceited.” I said.

He turned around only to catch the pillow I sent flying to the back of his head. He jumped on his bed, standing over me, he raised the pillow before dropping it ever so slightly on my face this was war. I stood up quickly, and raised a pillow, hitting him on his shoulder; he recovered quickly and gave me a light hit on my thigh. I laughed at his silliness, this routine of hit for hit carried on for five minutes until I was exhausted.

I feel back on the bed, panting like I just ran up 15 flights of stairs, “Let’s call it even.”

“Agreed.” Matt said, falling next to me.

We laid next to eat other staring at the ceiling, we fell into a comfortable silence, neither of us wreaking our brains to try to come up with conversation. Matt decided to play with my hair, so he was stroking my long brown hair and humming to himself. I felt myself dozing off.

“Matt, Scarlett dinners ready.” Mrs Slater shouted. I faintly heard her, I felt Matt’s hand on my shoulder, “Come on you, I can hear you stomach growling, he chuckled.

We went downstairs to eat, falling into easy conversation with Matt’s mother and father, we usually spoke about our day, and the next football game that Matt was playing at. And his parents were generally interested in what Matt had to say, and even I chipped in sometimes and they seem to value my opinion. His parents always looked at each other with such love that you could feel it, their happiness was who they were, what they portrayed.

This was a real family, something I wasn’t use to.

****the next morning****

I was up before seven and ready, this morning I actually had time to eat breakfast, I know Cole was always on time and hated having to wait, one thing that him and Kylie have in common.

Putting on the CD player, Keri Hilson, Pretty Girl Rock began playing .Cocopops for breakfast yum, I got a bowl out of the cupboard, and was singing along to the chorus, “Don’t Hate me ‘cause I’m beautiful.”  I turned around to go to the fridge and stood still. There leaning against the fridge was a man in nothing but a towel, droplets of water running down his muscular body, he could have been in his late twenties.

“Who are you?” I asked

“Your new step dad?” he said amused.

I raised my eyebrow, not liking this one bit. At that moment my mother came in to the kitchen with nothing but a shirt on, that wasn’t even buttoned, it’s hard to say this but my mother was a slut. Since when did she bring her men to our house? That was beyond disrespectful to me.

“What happened? Mommy didn’t want you to have a sleep over?” I said to the guy.

“Scarlett that’s enough.” My mother said.

“Whatever. Look at that, I just lost my appetite.”  I stormed out of the kitchen, grabbed me book bag and slammed the front door on the way out. Just as I made my way down the porch steps, Cole’s car pulled up.

I made my way to the passenger seat and got in, Cole was looking as hot as ever, in a dark blue sweater that enhanced his deep blue eyes, making him look like even more of a mystery, he smiled a small smile, giving me a quick peck on my cheek.

We drove to Kylies house in silence and for once I was happy with not talking, my thoughts were consumed with what just happened at my house, of course it was the first time that a stranger was half naked in my kitchen, what was my mother thinking, maybe she wasn’t thinking, maybe she let her hormones get in the way of her better judgment.


“What is your fucking problem Cole?” Kylie shouted, snapping me out of my mental rant, I didn’t even notice we picked up her up. I was confused, I was so consumed that I didn’t even know what they were arguing about.

“You’re my problem Kylie.’ Cole spat out venomously.

“Hey! Guys enough.’ I said, I hated to get in the middle of this but seriously this was ridiculous, this morning just kept getting weirder and weirder.

The rest of the ride to school was silence; you could cut the tension with a knife. When Cole parked the car, Kylie and him got out, slammed their doors and walked in the opposite direction. Leaving me wondering what was the big deal between those two.

Kylies P.O.V

He was so infuriating.

He was such a jerk.

Scarlett will find out soon enough.

We can’t hide it forever.


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