Chapter Seventy-Two

Start from the beginning

"Where was my Mommy? Was she at Finnick's sleepover?" Carter asks me.

"No, baby. We didn't even know your mom when this happened." I explain to her.

"Ohhhh." She says nodding.

"Yep. Willow, guess what Daddy and I did when we cooked the pizza?"

"What?" She asks.

I look at him and he chuckles.

"He kept being a brat so I took my hands that had flour all over them and put them on his face. Made his face all powdery white." I say.

She giggles, "And him putted a peppernoni on your nose?"

Peeta laughs, "Yep, you remember me showing you that picture, don't you?"

Willow nods, "Yep. And you put some peppernonis on his cheeks, huh?"

I giggle, "Yes. I did." I say.

Carter laughs, "You guys are funny." She says giggling.

Willow giggles too, "Yeah, my parents are so funny." She agrees.

I look at Peeta and he laughs a little.

"Auntie Kat, my sissy is falling asleep." Carter says.

I glance back behind and see Carson half asleep in the high chair.

"Carson, wake up, baby." I say and she opens her brown eyes and looks over at me, half asleep.

"You gotta eat before you go to sleep." I say laughing.

She lays her head down and closes her eyes.

"I can make her something else really quick and then let her go to bed." Peeta says.

I nod, "Alright. What do you need me to do?"

"Can you start measuring stuff out for the girls to pour in that big bowl? I will tell you how much to put for each." He says and gets into the cabinet, looking for Carson something to eat.

I nod.

"4 cups of flour." He says.

I take the bowl and put it in front of Willow and Carter.

I scoop out one cup of flour and hand it to Carter. She pours it in the bowl and hands it back to me. Then I scoop another, handing it to Willow and we repeat the cycle.

"Half a cup of salt." He says after a minute and starts heating up some kind of macaroni stuff for Carson.

I measure and pour the salt, "Okay, now 2 cups of water." He says.

I nod and fill up the first cup. I hand it to Willow and she pours it gently in the bowl, then fill it again and let Carter pour it in.

I start mixing while Peeta feeds Carson who's half asleep still. She is tired.

"I can't wait until this is done. It's gonna be yummy." Willow tells Carter and she nods.

I put it in the pan and while the girls fix it all up with cheese and sauce and pepperonis, I go sit by Peeta.

"She won't eat anymore so I think I'm going to go put her in Willow's room for bed." He says and takes her out of the high chair. She falls right back to sleep with her head on his shoulder.

I nod, "I can if you want. Then you can make our food while the girl's pizza is finishing."

Peeta hesitates a second before agreeing and handing her over.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now