Chapter 29

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I was throwing up most of morning.The lesson where starting to get stressful with exams and homework being given to us.

It was starting to get too much for me. Terry,Exams,My mum and being raped. I have started to have night mares of that night.  But I wake up and go back to sleep again. 

I'm going to visit my mum today. Again in hospital. It so hard seeing her lay there injury but sleeping peaceful with out feeling the pain. I would gladly take my mum place. But sadly deep down I know that's not what my mum would have wanted.

It was now lunch. I'm having sausages and Mash.

I eat the sausages but they don't taste so nice.

"Yuck." I say in disgust

"What's wrong?" Liz questioned

"These sausages taste weird I think there off." I explain

"There -mmmm-not off." Ashton say gumbleing the sausages as he eats.

"Talk about manners" Liz mumbles

I laugh I started eating the mash and that was it. I was clearly put off by the sausages.

"Come around my house. I want to do your hair before you go on the date."

"Okay."I say little nervous.

I love her doing this for me. Trust me but she get too carried away.

"Don't worry I won't get carried away."

It was the end of the day,I had just finished dancing. I wanted to change but then I didn't see point.

Another reason is because I feel lazy.

I was about to walk out of school before Josh pushed me into the wall and punch me in stomach.

"Do you remember what that is for?"

"I hope you do." He say with smirk leaving me.

I then regain my strength and walk out side to Shawn cars.

We are now at the hospital and still no sign that my mum will wake up.

After talking to mum and Shawn had finished with mum.

We headed home. People say talking to people in comma help bring them back/ helps in a way to wake up.

I walk into the house to see Terry standing in near the stairs. He was holding something be hide his back.

I turn back around to go outside since that where Shawn was. He talking on the phone to someone. He didn't want Terry to know the conversation.

I thought Terry would be at work but I guess I wrong. Argh.

Before I could open the door he pulls me by my hair.

"Shut up!"

I do as he says.

He throw me to the floor. I craw on the floor then stand up. I start sprinting for the back door. But then something whips me on my back.

Making me fall to the floor in pain. He aims again. Then time I scream.

He just continues doing it. But has his hand over my mouth.

I bite his finger. He moves them. Then I try to push him off me .He just laughs. And turns around.

"Shawn!,Shawn!" I shout

He gets the belt and whips it on my legs I yell out in pain. Then does it again.

Tears are now steaming down my face.

"Shawn!"I cry yet again.

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