Chapter 23

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Jake PoV

I was in the lunch line waiting for my lunch. I was starring at Rose. She seem so distanced today.

I then noticed her friend asking her a question.

She nodded. The second time she shook her head. I could see in her eyes she was close to tears. As she ran out a tear fell.

I wanted to so badly to comfort her and find out what was hurting her.

As I walk past I couldn't keep but ear drop in their conversation.

"She has never been like this before. "Liz says to Ashton

"Something is badly troubling her" Ashton spoke.

They both had a worried look on there face.

Liz then ran out,following the direction Rose and went.

I went and joined Liam. I'm really worried about her.

"Jake do have a crush on that girl ?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked

"I don't have anything against you liking her but be careful of Josh and Lola. They hate her and they do anything to make her life a living hell."

"Okay,thank mate I will."

"This is between us alright for now"


"What about you who do like?"

"Her name is Poppy."

I nod my head decide not to push the conversation anymore.

"You be careful as well"

He nods then all the over boys came to the number.

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