Chapter 3

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Jake pov
First day at a new school and already all girls are around me.
I know there trying to friendly but I think they have a lot more planed.
I made my way to the head offices and
received my timetable.
First lesson of the day was dance.
As I enter the room I was approached by the teacher.

"Hello, you must be the new student."

"Hi, Yh"

"Welcome to pas(performing arts school)."

"Everyone hush now and listen up!"
"We have a new student today who will be joining our class."

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"

I nod and walk forward.

"Hi, my names Jake Walker, I just moved here from England."

"Well class go get change, then we can show Jake our dance, we have been working on."

As the teacher finished, everyone started getting their stuff and heading to the changing room.
As I look around the room my eyes stop and I was caught looking at a girl with long black/brown hair and brown eyes and long eyelashes and was skinny.

I started walking towards her and thinking about how I would introduce myself but I was stop.

"Hey, Jake right?"

"Yh, hey shaking his hand he held out to me."

"I'm Josh, Josh Parker welcome to pas. How comes you have decide to come here from England?"

"It's complicated , let just say afresh start."

"Cool man."

"Well follow me and I'll introduce you to the lads."

"Err..sure. Who is that girl over there?"

"Oh that girl, that's Rose Taylor why mate?"

"No reason."

"Let's go get change because we will be in for it if we late."

"So this is Mike, Louis and Liam. "
Pointing out who was who
Then when everyone was change the lesson started.

Dance was a lot harder then in England but I pick it up pretty quick.
I really like dancing and Music,
I just forget about things.
As I head to my next lesson which is music along with the guys.
I couldn't stop thinking about the girl
I saw today.
Not felt like this since I broke up with my ex ; Carly five months ago.
As I enter the classroom
I snap out of my thoughts.
I look around the classroom for a seat.

My eye caught an empty chair near the window so I decide to sit there.
Meanwhile I wait for class to begin until suddenly the girl
I saw today in dance had appeared into the classroom and headed for back room taking a seat in the corner.
The classroom door creak shut and silence feel in the room.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning Miss Destiny"

"You all ready for today's exam?"

"No! ....."


"Well today we have a new student from England called Jake walker."

"Now who want's to go first?"

**min later **
"Next up to sing is Rose Taylor."

Rose Pov....

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