Chapter 28

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I arrived at the hospital. I went up to Rose.


"Thank goodness, they haven't told me anything yet."

She says now hugging me.

I was glad Terry wasn't here. I take Rose to sit down. While tears rolled down her eyes.

"What if mum dies?" She questioned.

I couldn't bear the thought of my mum dying.

"Sshhh, look mum not going to die. Okay mum a strong person,she always has been."

It's true,my mum had always been strong. She wouldn't cry In front of us when dad but we could her at night.

We see a doctor coming towards us.

"Hello are you the Family of Mrs Talyor"

"Yes we are" my sister replies wiping the tears away.

"We have some good new and bad news."

"The good news is that your mother is stable for now and there is a chance she will survive however she is in a comma and we don't when she will wake up. She injury  2 of her ribs, she has a broken arm and suffered a little bleeding from the head." The doctors say sympathy as a can.

"Well can we see her?"

"Yes ."

We follow the doctor in to the room. I wanted to cry right here right now but I know I have to keep together. Rose was now crying in bits sitting next my mother.

I was siting on the other side.

"Please..please wake up mum, we ..need you." She say crying.

I couldn't bear anymore. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you mum,please wake up."

I then leave the room.

Rose PoV

It was getting late and I knew I had school tomorrow but I really didn't want to go home.

But I had no choice and really didn't want to leave my mum in case she woke up.

I headed home with Shawn. Then toke a shower and went sleep.


I woke up and remember the events of yesterday.

I hold back the tears and then head towards the toilet to throw up.

I then brush my teeth etc shower and change into pink pair of leggings with uggs boots and a grey jumper.

I then pack my bag and head downstairs. But then needed to throw up again.

I then brush my teeth yet. Then grab some breakfast and hop on the bus.

I wasn't in the mood for school today.
But had no choice.


I just smile at her sit down.

"What wrong's you didn't reply to any of my message yesterday. I was really worried."

"My mums in hospital in a comma." I croak out. Tears now streaming down my face.

"I'm so sorry Rose." Your pull through this, you and your mum. Okay."

I nod. It so hard being strong not just for yourself but for everyone around because it hard to keep it together and act like everything okay when it's not.

But at the end of day. I know I have a family who love me and may not say it all the time but they do. I have friends that I can turn too. Also I know this will end soon and I will no longer have to be the strong one.

Broken By Shootingstarlight13Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum